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Sentencing procedures generally
Objective and subjective factors at common law
The interaction between s 21A(1) and the common law
The difficulty of compartmentalising sentencing considerations
The aggravating/mitigating binary fallacy
Objective factors at common law
Maximum penalty
Cases that attract the maximum
Objective seriousness and proportionality
Factors relevant to assessing objective seriousness
Objective seriousness findings
Objective seriousness and post-offence conduct
Use of information about sentences in other cases
Use of sentencing statistics
Necessity to refer to “Explaining the statistics” document
Enhancements to JIRS statistics
Recent changes to JIRS statistics
Uncharged acts
Premeditation and planning
Degree of participation
Breach of trust
Impact on the victim
Possibility of summary disposal
Relevance of less punitive offences
Subjective matters at common law
Assessing an offender’s moral culpability
Prior record
Good character
Advanced age
Mental health or cognitive impairment
Deprived background
Self-induced intoxication
Drug addiction
Hardship to family/dependants
Hardship of custody
Extra-curial punishment
Conditional liberty
Ameliorative conduct or voluntary rectification
Sentencing following a retrial
“The ceiling principle”
Summary of relevant considerations
A justifiable sense of grievance
Co-offenders with joint criminal liability
Co-offenders convicted of different charges
Juvenile and adult co-offenders
Parity and totality
Severity appeals and parity
Crown appeals and parity
Section 21A factors “in addition to” any Act or rule of law
Section 21A — aggravating and mitigating factors
Application of s 21A generally
Aggravating factors under s 21A(2) — summary of relevant considerations
Application of s 21A(2) — procedural rules and findings
Limitations on the use of s 21A(2) factors
Section 21A(2) and the
De Simoni
Section 21A(2)(a) — victims who exercise public or community functions
Section 21A(2)(b) — the offence involved the actual or threatened use of violence
Section 21A(2)(c) — the offence involved the actual or threatened use of a weapon
Section 21A(2)(ca) — the offence involved the actual or threatened use of explosives
Section 21A(2)(cb) — the offence involved the victim being made to ingest intoxicating substances
Section 21A(2)(d) — the offender has a record of previous convictions
Section 21A(2)(e) — the offence was committed in company
Section 21A(2)(ea) — the offence committed in the presence of a child under 18
Section 21A(2)(eb) — the offence was committed in the home of the victim or any other person
Section 21A(2)(f) — the offence involved gratuitous cruelty
Section 21A(2)(g) — the injury, emotional harm, loss or damage caused by the offence is substantial
Section 21A(2)(h) — offences motivated by hatred and/or prejudice against a group of people
Section 21A(2)(i) — the offence was committed without regard for public safety
Section 21A(2)(ib) — the offence involved grave risk of death
Section 21A(2)(j) — the offence was committed while the offender was on conditional liberty in relation to an offence or alleged offence
Section 21A(2)(k) — abuse of a position of trust or authority
Section 21A(2)(l) — the victim was vulnerable
Section 21A(2)(m) — the offence involved multiple victims or a series of criminal acts
Section 21A(2)(n) — the offence was part of a planned or organised criminal activity
Section 21A(2)(o) — the offence was committed for financial gain
Section 21A(2)(p) — child under 16 years in offender’s vehicle
General observations about s 21A(3)
Section 21A(3)(a) — the injury, emotional harm, loss or damage caused by the offence was not substantial
Section 21A(3)(b) — the offence was not part of a planned or organised criminal activity
Section 21A(3)(c) — the offender was provoked by the victim
Section 21A(3)(d) — the offender was acting under duress
Section 21A(3)(e) — the offender does not have any record (or any significant record) of previous convictions
Section 21A(3)(f) — the offender was a person of good character
Section 21A(3)(g) — the offender is unlikely to re-offend
Section 21A(3)(h) — the offender has good prospects of rehabilitation, whether by reason of the offender’s age or otherwise
Section 21A(3)(i) — remorse shown by the offender
Section 21A(3)(j) — the offender was not fully aware of the consequences of their actions because of their age or any disability
Section 21A(3)(k) — a plea of guilty by the offender
Section 21A(3)(l) — the degree of pre-trial disclosure by the defence
Section 21A(3)(m) — assistance by the offender to law enforcement authorities
Section 21A(5AA) — special rule for intoxication
Section 21B — sentencing patterns and practices
Section 24A — mandatory requirements for supervision of sex offenders and prohibitions against child-related employment to be disregarded in sentencing
Section 24B — confiscation of assets and forfeiture of proceeds of crime to be disregarded in sentencing
Section 24C — disqualification of parliamentary pension
Guilty pleas
Impermissible to penalise offender for pleading not guilty
Obligations of the court taking the plea
Setting aside a guilty plea
Summary of the two guilty plea discount schemes
Guilty plea discounts for offences dealt with on indictment
Guilty plea discounts for offences dealt with summarily and exceptions to Pt 3 Div 1A
Whether guilty plea discount given for Form 1 offences
Combining the plea with other factors
Power to reduce penalties for pre-trial disclosure
Section 22A
Power to reduce penalties for assistance to authorities
Statutory provision
Broad scope of s 23(1)
Voluntary disclosure of unknown guilt — the Ellis principle
“Unreasonably disproportionate” penalty — s 23(3)
Requirement to indicate reduction for assistance — s 23(4)
Applying the discount
Promised assistance
Court to take other matters into account (including pre-sentence custody)
Summary of relevant considerations
Counting pre-sentence custody
What time should be counted?
Intervention programs
Quasi-custody bail conditions — residential programs
Victims and victim impact statements
Common law
Sections 3A(g), 21A and the common law
The statutory scheme for victim impact statements
The statutory scheme does not cover the field
Evidentiary status and use of victim impact statements at sentence
Victim impact statements and harm caused by sexual assault
Victim impact statements and De Simoni
Victim impact statements of family victims
Victim impact statements when offenders are forensic patients
Robbery offences
The relevance of the attitude of the victim — vengeance or forgiveness
Statutory scheme for directions to pay compensation
Directions to pay compensation — further considerations
A direction to pay compensation not a mitigating factor
Victims support levies
Corporation as victim
Federal offences
Taking further offences into account (Form 1 offences)
The statutory requirements
Guideline judgment for Form 1 sentencing
Should the “utilitarian” benefits of admitting guilt be taken into account?
Should the effect of Form 1 matters be quantified?
Deterrence and retribution
Serious, numerous and unrelated offences on a Form 1
Obligation on the Crown to strike a balance
The statutory power to reject a Form 1 under s 33(2)(b)
Effects of the Form 1 procedure
Charge negotiations: prosecutor to consult with victim and police
Sentencing guidelines
The statutory scheme
Guideline judgments promulgated
Use of guideline judgments as a “check” or “sounding board”
Sentencing guidelines and standard non-parole period offences
Correction and adjustment of sentences
Correcting a sentence via an implied power or the slip rule
Re-opening proceedings under s 43
The limits of the power under s 43