Provides unique codes to describe offences, used by all justice sector agencies in NSW.
What is Lawcodes?
The Lawcodes database provides unique codes to describe offences in NSW.
The Lawcodes database, maintained by the Judicial Commission, provides unique codes based on legislation for all NSW offences and Commonwealth offences dealt with in NSW. The provision and use of these codes enables NSW justice sector agencies to exchange information and improve the integrity of information about offences.
Law Part Codes display information about the offence, including short and long descriptions, and the penalties involved. It also provides a link to the relevant legislation.
What can I search?
Over 100,000 unique codes for all (current and past) NSW offences and Commonwealth offences dealt with in NSW.
Law Part Code
A Law Part Code is a unique code given to all current and past offences created by NSW legislation and relevant Commonwealth legislation.
Examples: “3145”, “3156”
Revenue NSW offence code
Example: “33207”
Examples: “Crimes Act”, “Crimes Act 1900”
Examples: “52A”, “Crimes Act 52A”
Examples: “Speed limit school zone“, “Possess drug”
Educational video
This video introduces the Lawcodes database and Law Part Codes as well as explaining who uses Lawcodes; how to access the Lawcodes website; and how to search for Law Part Codes and related information.