Appendix A: Table — NSW and Commonwealth sexual offence provisions

[5-1300] Table — NSW and Commonwealth sexual offence provisions

Last reviewed: December 2024

The following Table provides information on NSW and Commonwealth sexual offence provisions including the time period the provision was in force (with links to the relevant legislative provisions), the maximum penalty for the offence, and Standard Non-Parole Period (SNPP) (if applicable).

Note: in the tables below, months/years refer to months/years of imprisonment.

Offences under the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW)

Crimes Act 1900 (NSW)
Section Offence Time period Max penalty SNPP
45 Female genital mutilation1 1/5/1995–19/5/2014 7 yrs  
20/5/2014–present 21 yrs  
45A Remove person from State for female genital mutilation 20/5/2014–present 21 yrs  
61B (rep) Maliciously inflict GBH with intent to have sexual intercourse 14/7/1981–16/3/1991 20 yrs  
61C(1)–(2) (rep) Maliciously inflict or threaten ABH with intent to have sexual intercourse 14/7/1981–16/3/1991 12 yrs  
61C(3)–(4) (rep) Maliciously inflict or threaten ABH with intent to have sexual intercourse, in company 21/2/1988–16/3/1991 14 yrs  
61D(1) (rep) Sexual intercourse without consent with: Person over 16 yrs 14/7/1981–20/2/1988 7 yrs  
21/2/1988–16/3/1991 8 yrs  
Person under 16 yrs 14/7/1981–16/3/1991 10 yrs  
61D(1A) (rep) Sexual intercourse without consent, person under 16 yrs and under authority 23/3/1986–16/3/1991 12 yrs  
61D(1B) (rep) Sexual intercourse without consent, in company Person over 16 yrs 21/2/1988–16/3/1991 10 yrs  
Person under 16 yrs 21/2/1988–16/3/1991 12 yrs  
61D(1C) (rep) Sexual intercourse without consent, in company, person under 16 yrs and under authority 21/2/1988–16/3/1991 14 yrs  
61E(1) (rep) Indecent assault Person over 16 yrs 14/7/1981–22/3/1986 4 yrs  
Person under 16 yrs 14/7/1981–22/3/1986 6 yrs  
Victim any age 23/3/1986–16/3/1991 4 yrs  
61E(1A) (rep) Indecent assault where person under 16 yrs and under authority 23/3/1986–16/3/1991 6 yrs  
61E(1B) (rep) Indecent assault in company 21/2/1988–16/3/1991 6 yrs  
61E(1C) (rep) Indecent assault where person under 16 and under authority and in company 21/2/1988–16/3/1991 8 yrs  
61E(2) (rep) Act of indecency or incite act of indecency with person under 16 yrs 14/7/1981–16/3/1991 2 yrs  
61E(2A) (rep) Act of indecency or incite act of indecency with person under 16 yrs and under authority 23/3/1986–16/3/1991 4 yrs  
61F (rep) Attempt offence under ss 61B, 61C, 61D, or 61E 14/7/1981–16/3/1991 same as principal offence
61I Sexual assault 17/3/1991–31/1/2003 14 yrs  
1/2/2003–present 14 yrs 7 yrs
61J(1) Aggravated sexual assault2 17/3/1991–31/1/2003 20 yrs  
1/2/2003–present 20 yrs 10 yrs
61JA(1) Aggravated sexual assault in company3 1/10/2001–31/1/2003 Life  
1/2/2003–present Life 15 yrs
61K Assault with intent to have sexual intercourse4 17/3/1991–present 20 yrs  
61KC Sexual touching5 1/12/2018–present 5 yrs  
61KD Aggravated sexual touching6 1/12/2018–present 7 yrs 5 yrs
61KE Sexual act7 1/12/2018–present 18 mths  
61 KF Aggravated sexual act8 1/12/2018–present 3 yrs  
61L (rep) Indecent assault 17/3/1991–30/11/2018 5 yrs  
61M(1) (rep) Aggravated indecent assault9 17/3/1991–31/1/2003 7 yrs  
1/2/2003–30/11/2018 7 yrs 5 yrs
61M(2) (rep) Aggravated indecent assault Person under 16 yrs 1/1/2009–30/11/2018 10 yrs 8 yrs
Person under 10 yrs 17/3/1991–31/1/2003 10 yrs  
1/2/2003–31/12/2007 10 yrs 5 yrs
1/1/2008–31/12/2008 10 yrs 8 yrs
61N (rep) Act of indecency Person under 16 yrs10 17/3/1991–30/11/2018 2 yrs11  
Person 16 yrs or over 1/7/1995–30/11/2018 18 mths  
61O(1) (rep) Aggravated act of indecency, person under 16 yrs12 17/3/1991–30/11/2018 5 yrs  
61O(1A) (rep) Aggravated act of indecency, person 16 yrs or over13 1/7/1995–30/11/2018 3 yrs  
61O(2) (rep) Aggravated act of indecency, person under 10 yrs14 17/3/1991–30/11/2018 7 yrs  
61O(2A) (rep) Aggravated act of indecency, person under 16 yrs, knowing it to be filmed for producing child pornography/child abuse material15 1/1/2009–30/11/2018 10 yrs  
61P (rep) Attempt to commit offence under ss 61I–61O16 17/3/1991–30/11/2018 same as substantive offence in ss 61I–61O
63 (rep) Rape17 31/10/1900–13/4/1955 Death  
14/4/1955–13/7/1981 Life  
65 (rep) Assault with intent to rape 31/10/1900–13/7/1981 14 yrs  
65A(2) (rep) Sexual intercourse procured by non-violent threats 21/2/1988–31/12/2007 6 yrs  
66 (rep) Carnal knowledge by false pretence or representation 31/10/1900–12/6/2003 14 yrs  
66A(1) Sexual intercourse, child under 10 yrs 29/6/2015–present Life 15 yrs
66A(1) (rep) Sexual intercourse, child under 10 yrs 1/1/2009–28/6/2015 25 yrs 15 yrs
66A(2) (rep) Aggravated sexual intercourse, child under 10 yrs 1/1/2009–28/6/2015 Life 15 yrs
66A (rep) Sexual intercourse, child under 10 yrs 23/3/1986–31/1/2003 20 yrs  
1/2/2003–31/12/2008 25 yrs 15 yrs
66B Attempt, or assault with intent, to have sexual intercourse with child under 10 yrs18 23/3/1986–31/1/2003 20 yrs  
1/2/2003–28/6/2015 25 yrs  
29/6/2015–present 25 yrs 10 yrs
66C(1) Sexual intercourse, child 10–14 yrs19 13/6/2003–28/6/2015 16 yrs  
29/6/2015–present 16 yrs 7 yrs
66C(1) (rep) Sexual intercourse, child 10–16 yrs 23/3/1986–12/6/2003 8 yrs  
66C(2) Aggravated sexual intercourse, child 10–14 yrs20 13/6/2003–28/6/2015 20 yrs  
29/6/2015–present 20 yrs 9 yrs
66C(2) (rep) Sexual intercourse, child 10–16 yrs by person in authority 23/3/1986–12/6/2003 10 yrs  
66C(3) Sexual intercourse, child 14–16 yrs21 13/6/2003–present 10 yrs  
66C(4) Aggravated sexual intercourse, child 14–16 yrs22 13/6/2003–28/6/2015 12 yrs
29/6/2015–present 12 yrs 5 yrs
66D Assault with intent to commit s 66C offence23 Attempt assault 23/3/1986–30/11/2018 same as substantive offence in s 66C
Assault 23/3/1986–present
66DA Sexual touching, child under 10 yrs 1/12/2018–present 16 yrs 8 yrs
66DB Sexual touching, child 10–16 yrs 1/12/2018–present 10 yrs  
66DC Sexual act, child under 10 yrs 1/12/2018–present 7 yrs  
66DD Sexual act, child 10–16 yrs 1/12/2018–present 2 yrs  
66DE Aggravated sexual act, child 10–16 yrs24 1/12/2018–present 5 yrs  
66DF Sexual act for production of child abuse material, child under 16 1/12/2018–present 10 yrs  
66EA(1) Persistent sexual abuse of a child25 15/1/1999–30/11/2018 25 yrs  
1/12/2018–present Life  
66EB(2) Produce child for unlawful sexual activity26 Child under 14 yrs 18/1/2008–28/6/2015 15 yrs  
29/6/2015–present 15 yrs 6 yrs
Child under 16 yrs 18/1/2008–28/6/2015 12 yrs  
29/6/2015–present 12 yrs 5 yrs
66EB(2A) Meet child following grooming Child under 14 yrs 1/1/2009–28/6/2015 15 yrs  
29/6/2015–present 15 yrs 6 yrs
Child 14–16 yrs 1/1/2009–28/6/2015 12 yrs  
29/6/2015–present 12 yrs 5 yrs
66EB(3) Groom child for unlawful sexual activity27 Child under 14 yrs 18/1/2008–28/6/2015 12 yrs  
29/6/2015–present 12 yrs 5 yrs
Child 14–16 yrs 18/1/2008–28/6/2015 10 yrs  
29/6/2015–present 10 yrs 4 yrs
66EC Groom person for unlawful sexual activity with child under the person’s authority Child under 16 yrs 1/12/2018–present 6 yrs  
Child 14–16 yrs 1/12/2018–present 5 yrs  
66F(2) Sexual intercourse with person with cognitive impairment by person responsible for care28 21/2/1988–present 10 yrs  
66F(3) Sexual intercourse with person with cognitive impairment, taking advantage of impairment29 1/12/2008–present 8 yrs  
66F(3) (rep) Sexual intercourse with person with intellectual disability, taking advantage of vulnerability to sexual exploitation 21/2/1988–30/11/2008 8 yrs  
66F(4) (rep) Attempt to commit offence under s 66F30 21/2/1988–30/11/2018 same as substantive offence
67 (rep) Carnally know girl under 10 yrs 31/10/1900–13/4/1955 Death  
14/4/1955–22/3/1986 Life  
68 (rep) Attempt to carnally know girl under 10 yrs 31/10/1900–22/3/1986 14 yrs  
71 (rep) Carnally know girl between 10–16 yrs 1/10/1924–22/3/1986 10 yrs  
72 (rep) Attempt, or assault with intent to carnally know girl between 10–16 yrs 1/10/1924–22/3/1986 5 yrs  
72A (rep) Carnal knowledge of idiot or imbecile 1/10/1924–20/2/1988 5 yrs  
73(1) Sexual intercourse with child 16 yrs under special care31 13/6/2003–present 8 yrs  
73(2) Sexual intercourse with child 17 yrs under special care32 13/6/2003–present 4 yrs  
73 (rep) Carnal knowledge by teacher, father, stepfather with girl 10 yrs or over and under 17 yrs who is pupil, daughter, stepdaughter33 1/10/1924–22/3/1986 14 yrs  
23/3/1986–31/8/1987 8 yrs  
1/9/1987–12/6/2003 8 yrs  
73A Sexual touching, young person 16–18 yrs under special care34 Child 16 yrs 1/12/2018–present 4 yrs  
Child 17 yrs 1/12/2018–present 2 yrs  
74 (rep) Attempted carnal knowledge by teacher, father, stepfather with girl 10–16 yrs who is pupil, daughter, stepdaughter35 1/10/1924–22/3/1986 7 yrs  
23/3/1986–12/6/2003 8 yrs  
76 (rep) Indecent assault, female under 16 yrs 1/10/1924–1/8/1974 5 yrs  
2/8/1974–13/7/1981 6 yrs  
76A (rep) Commit act of indecency, girl under 16 yrs 2/8/1974–13/7/1981 2 yrs  
78A(1) Incest/sexual intercourse with close family member who is of or above 16 yrs36 13/6/2003–present 8 yrs  
78A (rep) Incest/carnal knowledge of child, sibling, parent, grandparent37 Victim any age 1/10/1924–22/3/1986 7 yrs  
Female victim of or above 16 yrs 23/3/1986–12/6/2003 7 yrs  
78B Attempt offence under s 78A38 1/10/1924–present 2 yrs  
78H (rep) Homosexual intercourse, male under 10 yrs 8/6/1984–11/1/1990 Life  
12/1/1990–31/1/2003 25 yrs  
78I (rep) Attempt or assault with intent to have homosexual intercourse, male under 10 yrs 8/6/1984–31/1/2003 14 yrs  
78K (rep) Homosexual intercourse, male between 10 and 18 yrs 8/6/1984–12/6/2003 10 yrs  
78L (rep) Attempt, or assault male 10–18 yrs with intention to have homosexual intercourse 8/6/1984–12/6/2003 5 yrs  
78M (rep) Homosexual intercourse with idiot or imbecile 8/6/1984–20/2/1988 5 yrs  
78N (rep) Homosexual intercourse by a teacher, father, stepfather, with male 10–18 yrs being pupil, son or stepson 8/6/1984–12/6/2003 14 yrs  
78O (rep) Teacher, father, stepfather attempt, or assault pupil, etc, between 10 and 18 yrs with intention to have homosexual intercourse 8/6/1984–12/6/2003 7 yrs  
78Q(1) (rep) Male commit act of gross indecency with male under 18 yrs39 8/6/1984–12/6/2003 2 yrs  
78Q(2) (rep) Solicit, procure, incite or advise male under 18 yrs to commit act of gross indecency40 8/6/1984–12/6/2003 2 yrs  
79 (rep) Buggery 1/10/1924–7/6/1984 14 yrs  
80 (rep) Attempted buggery41 1/10/1924–7/6/1984 5 yrs  
80A(2) Sexual assault by forced self-manipulation42 Victim under 10 yrs 17/3/1991–23/3/2004 20 yrs  
Victim over 10 yrs 17/3/1991–23/3/2004 14 yrs  
Age not specified 24/3/2004–present 14 yrs  
80A(2A) Aggravated sexual assault by forced self-manipulation43 24/3/2004–present 20 yrs  
80D(1) Causing sexual servitude 22/3/2002–present 15 yrs  
80D(2) Aggravated causing sexual servitude, victim under 18 yrs 22/3/2002–31/12/2008 19 yrs  
1/1/2009–present 20 yrs  
80E(2) Aggravated conduct of business involving sexual servitude, victim under 18 yrs 22/3/2002–present 19 yrs  
80G Incite to commit sexual offence44 1/1/2009–present same as substantive offence
81 (rep) Indecent assault upon male 31/10/1900–7/6/1984 5 yrs  
81A (rep) Act of indecency by male with male 14/4/1955–7/6/1984 2 yrs  
81B(1) (rep) Solicit or entice offence under ss 79, 81 or 81A 14/4/1955–7/6/1984 1 yr  
85A(1) (now s 86) Kidnapping45 14/12/2001–20/12/2001 14 yrs  
85A(2) (now s 86) Aggravated kidnapping46 14/12/2001–20/12/2001 20 yrs  
85A(3) (now s 86) Specially aggravated kidnapping47 14/12/2001–20/12/2001 25 yrs  
86 (rep) Abduct woman against will 31/10/1900–20/12/2001 14 yrs  
86(1) Kidnapping48 21/12/2001–present 14 yrs  
86(2) Aggravated kidnapping 21/12/2001–present 20 yrs  
86(3) Specially aggravated kidnapping 21/12/2001–present 25 yrs  
87 (rep) Abduct woman under 21 yrs against the will of parent etc 31/10/1900–20/12/2001 7 yrs  
87(1)–(2) Abduct child under 12 yrs 21/12/2001–present 10 yrs  
90 (rep) Abduct girl under 16 yrs 31/10/1900–21/12/2001 3 yrs  
90A (rep) Kidnapping Generally 15/12/1961–13/12/2001 20 yrs  
If person liberated w/o substantial injury 15/12/1961–13/12/2001 14 yrs  
91 (rep) Take child with intent to steal etc 31/10/1900–21/12/2001 10 yrs  
91A Procure for prostitution49 1/10/1924–present 7 yrs  
91B Procure person for prostitution by threat, drug etc 1/10/1924–present 10 yrs  
91D(1) Promote/engage in child prostitution Child 14 yrs or over 12/2/1989–present 10 yrs  
Child under 14 yrs 12/2/1989–28/6/2015 14 yrs  
29/6/2015–present 14 yrs 6 yrs
91E(1) Obtain benefit from child prostitution50 Child 14 yrs or over 12/2/1989–present 10 yrs  
Child under 14 yrs 1/1/2009–28/6/2015 14 yrs  
29/6/2015–present 14 yrs 6 yrs
91F(1) Premises used for child prostitution 12/2/1989–present 7 yrs  
91G(1) (rep) Child used for pornographic purposes51 Child under 14 yrs 12/2/1989–31/12/2004 7 yrs  
Child 14 yrs or over 12/2/1989–31/12/2004 5 yrs  
91G(1) Child used for production of child abuse material, child under 14 yrs52 1/1/2005–28/6/2015 14 yrs  
29/6/2015–present 14 yrs 6 yrs
91G(2) Child used for production of child abuse material, child 14 yrs or over53 1/1/2005–present 10 yrs  
91G(3) Child used for production of child abuse material — circumstances of aggravation54 1/1/2022–present 20 yrs  
91H(2) Produce, disseminate, possess child abuse material55 17/9/2010–present 10 yrs  
91H(2) (rep) Possess, produce, disseminate child pornography 1/1/2009–16/9/2010 10 yrs  
91H(2) (rep) Produce, disseminate child pornography 1/1/2005–31/12/2008 10 yrs  
91H(3) (rep) Possess child pornography 1/1/2005–31/12/2008 5 yrs  
91HAA Administer digital platform used to deal with child abuse material 1/1/2022–present 14 yrs  
91HAB Encourage use of a digital platform to deal with child abuse material 1/1/2022–present 14 yrs  
91HAC Provide information about avoiding detection 1/1/2022–present 14 yrs  
91P Record intimate image without consent 25/8/2017–present 3 yrs  
91Q Distribute intimate image without consent 25/8/2017–present 3 yrs  
91R Threaten to record or distribute intimate image 25/8/2017–present 3 yrs  
93AC Child forced marriage 1/1/2022–present 9 yrs  
316(1)56 Conceal serious indictable offence where maximum penalty for the concealed offence is: General 25/11/1990–27/11/2018 2 yrs  
Not more than 10 yrs 28/11/2018–present 2 yrs  
More than 10 yrs but not more than 20 yrs 28/11/2018–present 3 yrs  
More than 20 yrs 28/11/2018–present 5 yrs  
316(2)57 Solicit, agree or accept benefit to conceal serious indictable offence under s 316(1), where maximum penalty for the concealed offence is: General 25/11/1990–27/11/2018 5 yrs  
Not more than 10 yrs 28/11/2018–present 5 yrs  
More than 10 yrs but not more than 20 yrs 28/11/2018–present 6 yrs  
More than 20 yrs 28/11/2018–present 7 yrs  
316A(1)58 Conceal child abuse offence, where maximum penalty for the concealed offence is: Generally 31/8/2018–27/11/2018 2 yrs  
Less than 5 yrs 28/11/2018–present 2 yrs  
5 yrs or more 28/11/2018–present 5 yrs  
316A(4)59 Solicit, agree or accept benefit to conceal child abuse offence under s 316A(1) Generally 31/8/2018–27/11/2018 5 yrs  
Where max penalty for child abuse offence is < 5 yrs 28/11/2018–present 5 yrs  
Where max penalty for child abuse offence is >/= 5 yrs 28/11/2018–present 7 yrs  
With prior conviction 23/6/2020–present 7 yrs 2 yrs

Offences under the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth)

Note: references to prior convictions mean prior convictions for a child abuse offence. Minimum penalties found in Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) ss 16AAA–16AAB.

Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth)
Section Offence Time period Penalty
Max Min
272.8(1)–(2) Sexual intercourse with child outside Australia 15/4/2010–22/6/2020 20 yrs  
23/6/2020–present 25 yrs 6 yrs
272.9(1)–(2) Sexual activity (other than sexual intercourse) with child outside Australia 15/4/2010–22/6/2020 15 yrs  
23/6/2020–present 20 yrs 5 yrs
272.10(1) Aggravated sexual intercourse or other sexual activity with child outside Australia60 15/4/2010–22/6/2020 25 yrs  
23/6/2020–present Life 7 yrs
272.11(1) Persistent sexual abuse of child outside Australia61 15/4/2010–22/6/2020 25 yrs  
23/6/2020–present 30 yrs 7 yrs
272.12(1)–(2) Sexual intercourse with young person outside Australia General 15/4/2010–present 10 yrs  
With prior conviction 23/6/2020–present 10 yrs 3 yrs
272.13(1)–(2) Sexual activity (other than sexual intercourse) with young person outside Australia General 15/4/2010–present 7 yrs  
With prior conviction 23/6/2020–present 7 yrs 2 yrs
272.14(1) Procure child to engage in sexual activity outside Australia General 15/4/2010–present 15 yrs  
With prior conviction 23/6/2020–present 15 yrs 4 yrs
272.15(1) Groom child to engage in sexual activity outside Australia General 15/4/2010–22/6/2020 12 yrs  
23/6/2020–present 15 yrs  
With prior conviction 23/6/2020–present 15 yrs 4 yrs
272.15A(1) Groom person to make it easier to engage in sexual activity with child outside Australia General 23/6/2020–present 15 yrs  
With prior conviction 23/6/2020–present 15 yrs 4 yrs
272.18(1) Benefit from child sex offence outside Australia 15/4/2010–22/6/2020 20 yrs  
23/6/2020–present 25 yrs 6 yrs
272.19 Encourage child sex offence outside Australia 15/4/2010–22/6/2020 20 yrs
23/6/2020–present 25 yrs 6 yrs
272.20(1) Preparing for or planning offence against ss 272.8–272.11, 272.18 General 15/4/2010–present 10 yrs  
With prior conviction 23/6/2020–present 10 yrs 3 yrs
272.20(2) Preparing for or planning offence against ss 272.12–272.13 General 15/4/2010–present 5 yrs  
With prior conviction 23/6/2020–present 5 yrs 1 yr
273.5(1) (rep) Possess, control, produce, distribute, or obtain child pornography material outside Australia 15/4/2010–21/9/2019 15 yrs  
273.6(1) Possess, control, produce, distribute, or obtain child abuse material outside Australia General 15/4/2010–present 15 yrs  
With prior conviction 23/6/2020–present 15 yrs 4 yrs
273.7 Aggravated s 273.6 offence 15/4/2010–22/6/2020 20 yrs  
23/6/2020–present 30 yrs 7 yrs
273A.1 Possess child-like sex dolls General 21/9/2019–present 15 yrs  
With prior conviction 23/6/2020–present 15 yrs 4 yrs
273B.4 Fail to protect child at risk of child sexual abuse offence 20/3/2020–present 5 yrs  
273B.5(1) Fail to report child sexual abuse offence based on reasonable abuse 20/3/2020–present 3 yrs  
273B.5(2) Fail to report child sexual abuse offence based on reasonable suspicion 20/3/2020–present 2 yrs  
471.16 (rep) Use postal or similar service for child pornography 15/4/2010–21/9/2019 15 yrs  
471.17 (rep) Possess, control, produce, supply or obtain child pornography for use via postal or similar service 15/4/2010–21/9/2019 15 yrs  
471.19 Use postal or similar service for child abuse material General 15/4/2010–present 15 yrs  
With prior conviction 23/6/2020–present 15 yrs 4 yrs
471.20 Possess, control, produce, supply or obtain child abuse material for use via postal or similar service General 15/4/2010–present 15 yrs  
With prior conviction 23/6/2020–present 15 yrs 4 yrs
471.22 Aggravated offence — offence involving conduct on 3 or more occasions and 2 or more people 15/4/2010–22/6/2020 25 yrs  
23/6/2020–present 30 yrs 7 yrs
471.24 Use postal or similar service to procure persons under 16 yrs General 15/4/2010–present 15 yrs  
With prior conviction 23/6/2020–present 15 yrs 4 yrs
471.25(1)–(2) Use postal or similar service to groom persons under 16 yrs for sexual activity with sender or another person over 18 yrs General 15/4/2010–22/6/2020 12 yrs  
23/6/2020–present 15 yrs  
With prior conviction 23/6/2020–present 15 yrs 4 yrs
471.25(3) Use postal or similar service to groom persons under 16 yrs for sexual activity with another person to take place in presence of sender or another person over 18 yrs General 15/4/2010–22/6/2020 15 yrs  
With prior conviction 23/6/2020–present 15 yrs 4 yrs
471.25A Use postal or similar service to groom another person to make it easier to procure persons under 16 yrs General 23/6/2020–present 15 yrs  
With prior conviction 23/6/2020–present 15 yrs 4 yrs
471.26 Use postal or similar service to send indecent material to person under 16 yrs General 15/4/2010–22/6/2020 7 yrs  
23/6/2020–present 10 yrs  
With prior conviction 23/6/2020–present 10 yrs 3 yrs
474.17A Use carriage service to transmit sexual material without consent 3/9/2024–present 6 yrs  
474.17A(1) (rep) Aggravated s 474.17 offence [use carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence] by sharing private sexual material 1/9/2018–22/1/2022 5 yrs  
23/1/2022–2/9/2024 6 yrs  
474.17A(4) (rep) Aggravated s 474.17 offence [use carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence] by sharing private sexual material 1/9/2018–22/1/2021 6 yrs  
23/1/2022–2/9/2024 7 yrs  
474.17AA(1) Aggravated s 474.17A offence — where offence committed after 3 or more certain civil penalty orders made 3/9/2024–present 7 yrs  
474.17AA(5) Aggravated s 474.17A offence — where person responsible for creation or alteration of material 3/9/2024–present 7 yrs  
474.19 (rep) Use carriage service for child pornography62 1/3/2005–14/4/2010 10 yrs  
15/4/2010–20/9/2019 15 yrs  
474.20 (rep) Possess, control, produce, supply or obtain child pornography for use through a carriage service 1/3/2005–14/4/2010 10 yrs  
15/4/2010–20/9/2019 15 yrs  
474.22 Use carriage service for child abuse material63 General 1/3/2005–14/4/2010 10 yrs  
15/4/2010–present 15 yrs  
With prior conviction 23/6/2020–present 15 yrs 4 yrs
474.22A Possess or control child abuse material obtained or accessed using a carriage service General 21/9/2019–present 15 yrs  
With prior conviction 23/6/2020–present 15 yrs 4 yrs
474.23 Possess, control, produce, supply or obtain child abuse material for use through a carriage service General 1/3/2005–14/4/2010 10 yrs  
15/4/2010–present 15 yrs  
With prior conviction 23/6/2020–present 15 yrs 4 yrs
474.23A Create, control, promote child abuse material to commit or facilitate offence against ss 474.22(1), 474.22A(1) or 474.23 23/6/2020–present 20 yrs 5 yrs
474.24A Aggravated offence — offence involving conduct on 3 or more occasions and 2 or more people 15/4/2010–22/6/2020 25 yrs  
23/6/2020–present 30 yrs 7 yrs
474.25A Use carriage service for sexual activity with person under 16 yrs 15/4/2010–22/6/2020 15 yrs  
23/6/2020–present 20 yrs 5 yrs
474.25B Aggravated s 474.25A offence 15/4/2010–22/6/2020 25 yrs  
23/6/2020–present 30 yrs 7 yrs
474.25C Use carriage service to prepare or plan to cause harm, engage in sexual activity or procure persons under 16 yrs to engage in sexual activity 23/6/2017–present 10 yrs  
474.26 Use carriage service to procure persons under 16 yrs General 1/3/2005–present 15 yrs  
With prior conviction 23/6/2020–present 15 yrs 4 yrs
474.27(1)–(2) Use carriage service to groom person under 16 yrs to engage in sexual activity with the sender or another adult General 1/3/2005–22/6/2020 12 yrs  
23/6/2020–present 15 yrs  
With prior conviction 23/6/2020–present 15 yrs 4 yrs
474.27(3) Use carriage service to groom person under 16 yrs to engage in sexual activity with another child in presence of the sender or another adult General 1/3/2005–present 15 yrs  
With prior conviction 23/6/2020–present 15 yrs 4 yrs
474.27AA Use carriage service to groom another person to make it easier to procure persons under 16 yrs General 23/6/2020–present 15 yrs  
With prior conviction 23/6/2020–present 15 yrs 4 yrs
474.27A Use carriage service to transmit indecent communication to person under 16 yrs General 15/4/2010–22/6/2020 7 yrs  
23/6/2020–present 10 yrs  
With prior conviction 23/6/2020–present 10 yrs 3 yrs

Offences under the Customs Act 1901 (Cth)

Customs Act 1901 (Cth)
Section Offence Time period Max penalty
233BAB Import or export child pornography/child abuse material64 26/5/2000–present 10 yrs and/or 2,500 pu

1Amended 27/11/2003 — “a person authorised to practise midwifery under the Nurses Act 1991” in s 45(7)(a) replaced with “a midwife within the meaning of the Nurses and Midwives Act 1991”. Amended 16/6/2010 — inserting new definitions of “authorised professional”, “medical practitioner” and “medical student” in s 45(7). Amended 20/5/2014 to omit s 45(2). Amended 8/1/2018 — inserting new definition of “medical student”.

2Amended 15/2/2008 — wording of circumstance of aggravation in s 61J(2) amended from “maliciously” to “intentionally or recklessly”. Amended 1/12/2008 — wording in s 61J(2)(g) amended from “serious intellectual disability” to “cognitive impairment”. Amended 1/1/2009 — inserted new circumstances of aggravation in s 61J(2)(h) and (i); inserted s 61J(3) defining “building”. Amended 22/2/2010 — wording of s 61J(3) amended. Amended 1/6/2022 — wording in s 61J(2) amended from “alleged offender” to “accused person”; wording amended from “alleged victim” to “complainant”.

3Amended 15/2/2008 — wording of circumstance of aggravation in s 61JA(2) amended from “maliciously” to “intentionally or recklessly”. Amended 1/6/2022 — wording in s 61JA(1)(c) amended from “alleged offender” to “accused person”; wording amended from “alleged victim” to “complainant”.

4Amended 15/2/2008 — wording amended from “maliciously” to “intentionally or recklessly”.

5Amended 1/6/2022 — wording amended from “alleged offender” to “accused person”; wording amended from “alleged victim” to “complainant”.




9Amended 1/12/2008 — wording in s 61J(2)(g) amended from “serious intellectual disability” to “cognitive impairment”. Amended 1/1/2009 — age changed from 10 yrs to 16 yrs; s 61M(3)(b) omitted.

10Amended 3/5/1992 — wording amended.

11Amended 1/7/1995 — s 61N substituted with s 61N(1)–(2).

12Wording amended 1/9/1999. Wording in s 61O(3) amended 1/12/2008 from “serious intellectual disability” to “cognitive impairment”.

13Wording in s 61O(3) amended 1/12/2008 from “serious intellectual disability” to “cognitive impairment”.

14Wording amended 1/9/1999.

15Section 61O(4) inserted 1/1/2009, defining “child pornography” and meaning of an act of indecency being “filmed” for the purposes of s 61O(2A). Wording amended 17/9/2010 from “pornography” to “abuse material”.

16Expanded 1/10/2001 to include attempt to commit s 61JA offence.

17Amended 14/7/1981 to “Common law offences of rape and attempted rape abolished”. Renumbered 2/7/2018 as s 80AD.

18Amended 1/12/2018 — wording amended from “another person” to “a child”; wording amended from “any such person” to “a child who is under the age of 10 years”.

19Amended 15/2/2008 — wording of circumstance of aggravation in s 66C(5) amended from “maliciously” to “intentionally or recklessly”. Amended 1/12/2008 — wording in s 66C(5) amended from “serious intellectual disability” to “cognitive impairment”. Amended 1/1/2009 — inserted s 66C(5)(h) new circumstance of aggravation. Amended 19/5/2009 — inserted new s 66C(5)(i) new circumstance of aggravation. Amended 1/12/2018 — wording in s 66C(1)–(4) amended from “another person” to “a child”. Amended 1/6/2022 — wording in s 66C(5) amended from “alleged offender” to “accused person”; wording amended from “alleged victim” to “complainant”.




23Amended 1/12/2018 — substituted with new s 66D offence removing the “attempt” element.

24Amended 1/6/2022 — wording amended from “alleged offender” to “accused person”; wording amended from “alleged victim” to “complainant”.

25Amended 1/10/2001 — wording in s 66EA(12) amended to include s 61JA in definition of “sexual offence”. Amended 1/12/2018 — substituted with similar but new offence.

26Amended 1/1/2009 — s 66EB(1) expanded to include “15A”; wording of s 66EB(6), (8) amended to include s 66EB(2A), (2B).

27Amended 1/12/2018 — s 66EB(3)(a) amended to insert “or with any financial or other material benefit”.

28Amended 1/12/2008 — wording amended from “serious intellectual disability” to “cognitive impairment”. Amended 24/9/2012 — wording of defence in s 66F(7) changed from “an established de facto partner” to “the de facto partner”. Amended 1/12/2018 — substituted offence inserting subsections including; s 66F(5) regarding consent not being a defence for sexual intercourse; s 66F(7) inserting defences to s 66F(2) or (3) charges; s 66F(8) requiring Attorney General’s approval for prosecution of s 66F(2) or (3) charges.


30Amended 1/12/2008 — substituted with similar but new offence.

31Amended 24/9/2012 — wording of special care in s 73(3)(a) amended. Amended 21/3/2018 — inserted s 73(3)(b) to expand the meaning of “under special care”; inserted definition of “member of the teaching staff” in s 73(6). Amended 1/12/2018 — wording in s 73(1)–(2) amended from “another person” to “a young person”; wording in s 73(3)(a) amended from “foster parent” to “authorised carer”. Amended 23/6/2020 — inserted s 73(3)(b)–(b1) and (f)–(g) to expand the meaning of “under special care”. Amended 1/6/2022 — wording of s 73(3) amended from “the victim” to “the complainant”; “the offender” to “the accused person”.


33Amended 23/3/1986 — wording amended from “of or above the age of ten years, and under the age of seventeen years” to “of the age of 16 years”. Amended 28/5/1987 — wording amended from “of the age of 16 years” to “of or above the age of 16 years, and under the age of 17 years”. Substituted with similar but new offence 13/6/2003.

34Amended 23/6/2020 — inserted s 73A(3)(b)–(b1) and (f)–(g) to expand the meaning of “under special care”. Amended 1/6/2022 — wording of s 73A(3) amended from “the victim” to “the complainant”; “the offender” to “the accused person”.

35Amended 23/3/1986 — wording amended from “of or above the age of ten years, and under the age of seventeen years” to “of the age of 16 years”. Amended 28/5/1987 — wording amended from “of the age of 16 years” to “of or above the age of 16 years, and under the age of 17 years.

36Amended 23/6/2020 — inserted exception to offence under s 78A(1) in s 78A(1A).

37Amended 23/3/1986 — wording amended to insert before “his mother”, “a female of or above the age of 16 years who is”.

38Amended 13/6/2003 — wording amended from “whosoever, being a male” to “any person who”.

39Amended 3/5/1992 — wording amended to insert “or towards” after “with”.

40Amended 3/5/1992 — wording amended to insert “or towards” after “with”.

41Amended 6/11/1951 — wording amended to insert “with or without the consent of such person”.

42Amended 19/6/1996 — insert “(including a surgically constructed vagina)” to the wording of s 80A(1). Amended 24/3/2004 — insert definition of “circumstances of aggravation”. Amended 15/2/2008 — wording of s 80A(1) amended from “maliciously” to “intentionally or recklessly”. Amended 1/12/2008 — wording in s 80A(1)(g) amended from “serious intellectual disability” to “cognitive impairment”. Amended 1/6/2022 — wording of s 80A(1) amended from “alleged offender” to “accused person”; wording amended from “alleged victim” to “complainant”; omit “(including a surgically constructed vagina)”.

43Amended 15/2/2008 — wording of s 80A(1) amended from “maliciously” to “intentionally or recklessly”. Amended 1/12/2008 — wording in s 80A(1)(g) amended from “serious intellectual disability” to “cognitive impairment”. Amended 1/6/2022 — wording of s 80A(1) amended from “alleged offender” to “accused person”; wording amended from “alleged victim” to “complainant”; omit “(including a surgically constructed vagina)”.

44Amended 1/12/2018 — amended s 80G(5) regarding offences that do not constitute a s 80G(1) offence when incited.

45Renumbered 21/12/2001 from s 85A to s 86.

46Renumbered 21/12/2001 from s 85A to s 86.

47Renumbered 21/12/2001 from s 85A to s 86.

48Amended 24/9/2012 — inserted s 86(1)(1a) “with the intention of committing a serious indictable offence, or” into the definition of the basic offence.

49Amended 2/8/1974 — wording amended from “female under the age of twenty-one years, whether with her consent or not, with intent that some other person may have carnal knowledge of such female” to “person, whether with that person's consent or not, for purposes of prostitution”. Amended 1/8/1979 — insert “(not being a prostitute)”.

50Amended 1/1/2009 — inserted “or, if the act of child prostitution involves a child under the age of 14 years, to imprisonment for 14 years” after “10 years” in s 91E(1); inserted s 91E(3).

51Amended 25/1/1998 — wording amended in from “employs” to “uses”; amended wording in s 91G(2).

52Amended 17/9/2010 — wording amended from “for pornographic purposes” to “for the production of child abuse material”; s 91G(3) omitted. Amended 1/12/2018 — inserted s 91G(6) requiring approval of Director of Public Prosecutions to institute proceedings for a s 91G offence against a child or young person.



55Amended 1/12/2018 — inserted s 91H(3) requiring approval of Director of Public Prosecutions to institute proceedings for a s 91H offence against a child or young person.

56Amended 30/3/1998 to insert s 316(4)–(5). Amended 30/6/1998 to insert new s 316(5). Amended 1/1/2000 to replace “serious offence” with “serious indictable offence”. Amended 31/8/2018 — wording in s 316(4), insert s 316(6). Amended 28/9/2020 to insert s 316(1A)-(1B), new definitions in s 316(6). Amended 22/11/2019 to become a prescribed sexual offence.


58Amended 28/11/2018 to insert s 316A(2)(g), new definitions in s 316A(9).


60Amended 23/06/2020 — wording of heading amended; s 272.10(1)(b) substituted.

61Amended 21/9/2019 — reduced the required instances of sexual abuse from 3 or more occasions to 2 or more occasions.

62Amended 15/4/2010 — s 474.19(1)(a) substituted; s 474.19(2A) inserted. Amended 10/3/2016 — wording amended to “commits” instead of “is guilty of”.

63Amended 15/4/2010 — s 474.22(1)(a) substituted; s 474.22(2A) inserted. Amended 10/3/2016 — wording amended to “commits” instead of “is guilty of”.

64Amended 15/12/2001 — wording in s 233BAB(5)(a), (6)(a) amended from “knowingly or recklessly” to “intentionally”; s 233BAB(5)(b), (6)(b) substituted; s 233BAB(5A), (5B), (6A), (6B) inserted. Amended 1/3/2004 — s 233BAB(3), (4) substituted. Amended 6/3/2015 — s 233BAB(7) substituted. Amended 10/3/2016 — wording amended to “commits” instead of “is guilty of”. Amended 21/9/2019 — s 233BAB(4)(g) inserted; s 233BAB(1)(h) omit “child pornography or of”; repeal s 233BAB(3); insert expanded definition of “child abuse material” in s 233BAB(4)(c)–(f).