Crimes Act 1900


As amended to Crimes Legislation Amendment (Coercive Control) Act 2022. Assented to 23 November 2022. Schedule 1[1], to the extent it inserted s 54I, commenced 1 December 2022; Sch 1, except Sch 1[1] to the extent it inserted s 54I commenced 1 July 2024.

The maximum fine for a Table 2 offence listed in the SPO chapter, not specified in s 268(2) of the Criminal Procedure Act 1986, has been amended to 50 penalty units following the insertion of s 268(2)(h) by the Crime and Criminal Procedure Legislation Amendment Act 2024.

The Act encompasses the following types of offences:

  • strictly indictable offences (offences which must be dealt with on arraignment)

  • indictable offences which may be dealt with summarily by the Local Court (Table 1 and Table 2 offences) — see discussion of these in the Introduction to the chapter, above

  • summary offences.

In broad terms, offences against the person provide a 2-year term of imprisonment and/or maximum fines of 50 penalty units. Property offences involving property, damage or benefit of a value in excess of $5000 are generally Table 1 offences. Table 2 penalties generally vary depending whether the value exceeds $2000 or not.

Offences against the person under the Crimes Act 1900

See Sch 1, Table 1, Pt 1[1] of the Criminal Procedure Act 1986.


Sexual offences in the Local Court

Part 5, Div 1, Subdiv 3 Criminal Procedure Act containing ss 292A–292E regarding directions relating to misconceptions about sexual consent apply to the sexual offences marked with a ^ below. See [5-000] Sexual offences.

Offences against the person where victim 14 years of age or over


In each of the offences listed below the victim must have been 14 yrs of age or over to attract summary jurisdiction (although the description of the offence itself may be “child of or above the age of 10 and below 16 yrs”). All these offences are Table 1 offences.

61E (repealed Act No 198 of 1998, commenced 17 March 1991) Sexual assault category 4 — indecent assault and act of indecency (latest version prior to repeal)
66C(1) (as in force before commencement of Sch 1[9] Crimes Amendment (Sexual Offences) Act 2003, commenced 13 June 2003) Sexual intercourse with child of/or above 10 and under 16 yrs
66C(3) (as in force after the commencement of Sch 1[9] Crimes Amendment (Sexual Offences) Act 2003, commenced 13 June 2003) Sexual intercourse with child of/or above 14 and under 16 yrs
66D Attempting, or assaulting with intent, to have sexual intercourse with child of or above 10 and below 16 yrs
71 (repealed Act No 149 of 1985, commenced 23 March 1986) Carnally knowing girl of or above 10 and under 16 yrs
72 (repealed Act No 149 of 1985, commenced 23 March 1986) Attempt unlawful carnal knowledge of girl of or above 10 and under 16 yrs
76 (repealed Act No 42 of 1981, commenced 14 July 1981) Assault female with act of indecency
76A (repealed Act No 42 of 1981, commenced 14 July 1981) Commit act of indecency with or towards girl under 16 yrs
81 (repealed Act No 7 of 1984, commenced 8 June 1984) Commit indecent assault on male

Larceny and other offences punishable as larceny (Sch 1, Table 1, Pt 2, and Sch 1, Table 2, Pt 2 CP Act)

Larceny 100 pu or 2 yrs where value
of property stolen exceeds $5000; 50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000; 20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000





Any offence that under the Crimes Act is taken to be, or is made punishable as, larceny or stealing (except an offence under ss 125, 139, 140 or 154A, as to which see below)

100 pu or 2 yrs where value
of property stolen exceeds $5000; 50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000; 20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000





An offence of stealing any chattel, money or valuable security from another person (eg under s 94 Crimes Act 1900) 100 pu or 2 yrs where value
of property stolen exceeds $5000; 50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000; 20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000






Where applicable, the maximum penalty for an offence dealt with on indictment is indicated in square brackets in the Penalty (Max) column.

A standard non-parole period (SNPP), where indicated in the table below, does not apply if an offence is dealt with summarily.

12 Compassing etc deposition of the Sovereign, overawing Parliament Strictly indictable
[25 yrs]
19A Murder Strictly indictable
SNPP offence but note s 54D(1)(a) C(SP) Act
21 Child murder by mother Strictly indictable
[10 yrs]
22A Infanticide Strictly indictable
[25 yrs]
24 Manslaughter Strictly indictable
[25 yrs]
25A Assault causing death Strictly indictable
[20 yrs;
intoxication: 25 yrs]
(s 25B mandatory minimum sentence of imprisonment 8 yrs when offender is intoxicated)
25C Supply drugs causing death Strictly indictable
[20 yrs]
26 Conspiracy to murder Strictly indictable
[25 yrs]
SNPP offence
27 Act with intent to murder Strictly indictable
[25 yrs]
SNPP offence
28 Act with property with intent to murder Strictly indictable
[25 yrs]
SNPP offence
29 Other attempts to murder Strictly indictable
[25 yrs]
SNPP offence
30 Attempt to murder by other means Strictly indictable
[25 yrs]
SNPP offence
31 Intentionally or recklessly, and knowing its contents,
send/deliver document threaten to kill/inflict bodily harm
100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]
31C Aid/abet suicide/attempted suicide 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs; incite/counsel 5 yrs]
32 Impede endeavours to escape shipwreck Strictly indictable
[25 yrs]
33 Wound/cause grievous bodily harm with intent Strictly indictable
[25 yrs]
SNPP offence
33A Discharge firearm with intent Strictly indictable
[25 yrs]
SNPP offence
33B(1) Use offensive weapon to prevent police investigation/lawful detention etc 100 pu or 2 yrs
[12 yrs]
33B(2) Use offensive weapon to prevent police investigation/lawful detention etc in company Strictly indictable
[15 yrs]
35 Recklessly cause gbh/wound 100 pu or 2 yrs
[gbh 10 yrs; in company 14 yrs
wounding 7 yrs; in company 10 yrs]
SNPP offence
35A(1) Recklessly cause dog to cause gbh 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]
35A(2) Recklessly cause dog to cause actual bh 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
37(1A) Intentionally choke, suffocate or strangle person 100 pu or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
37(1) Intentionally choke, suffocate or strangle person with recklessness 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]
37(2) Choke, suffocate or strangle person with intent to commit indictable offence Strictly indictable
[25 yrs]
38 Use intoxicating substance to commit indictable offence Strictly indictable
[25 yrs]
38A Spike food or drink

100 pu and/or 2 yrs

39 Intentionally or recklessly administer poison/intoxicating substance so as to endanger life or cause gbh 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]
41 Administer poison/intoxicating substance with intent to injure/cause distress/pain 100 pu or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
41A Introduce poison into water supply with intent to injure 100 pu or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
41C Inducing another person to request
or access voluntary assisted dying
100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
41E Advertising Sch 4 or 8 poison as
voluntary assisted dying substance
50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[330 pu and/or 3 yrs]
42 Injure child at time of birth Strictly indictable
[14 yrs]
43 Unlawfully abandon or expose child under 7 yrs so as to endanger life or injure health 100 pu or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
43A(2) Parent intentionally/recklessly fail to provide child with necessities cause death/serious injury 100 pu or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
43B(1) Failure to reduce or remove risk of child becoming victim of child abuse 100 pu or 2 yrs

[2 yrs]

44 Intentionally/recklessly fail to provide necessities of life for a person whom the offender has a legal obligation to support, when such failure results in death/serious injury, or likelihood of serious injury to that person 100 pu or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
45 Mutilate female genitalia Strictly indictable
[21 yrs]
45A Removing person from State for female genital mutilation Strictly indictable
[21 yrs]
46 Cause bodily injury by gunpowder Strictly indictable
[25 yrs]
47 Use explosive substance/corrosive fluid with intent Strictly indictable
[25 yrs]
48 Cause explosives to be placed near building/conveyance/public place Strictly indictable
[14 yrs]
49 Set/permit to continue to be set trap with intent to cause gbh 100 pu or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
49A Throw/drop object towards/on vehicle/vessel on any road/railway/waterway with risk to any person therein 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
51A Predatory driving — while in pursuit of or travelling near another
vehicle, cause/threaten impact intending to cause actual bodily harm
100 pu or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
51B Drive from police pursuit, not stop and drive
recklessly/in manner dangerous
1st off: 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[3 yrs]
2nd off: 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
52A Dangerous driving occasioning gbh 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs; with aggravation 11 yrs]
52A Dangerous driving occasioning death Strictly indictable
[10 yrs]
52AB(1) Driver of car knowingly involved in impact causing death, fail to stop and give assistance necessary or within power of driver 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]
52AB(2) Driver of car knowingly involved in impact causing gbh fail to stop and give assistance necessary or within power of driver 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
52B Dangerous navigation causing gbh 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs; with aggravation 11 yrs]
52B Dangerous navigation causing death Strictly indictable
[14 yrs]
53 Cause injuries by furious riding or driving or other misconduct 100 pu or 2 yrs
[2 yrs]
54 Cause gbh by unlawful act or omission 100 pu or 2 yrs
[2 yrs]
54A Cause loss of foetus (gbh of pregnant woman) Strictly indictable

[Maximum penalty for relevant gbh provision plus 3 yrs]

54B Cause loss of foetus (death of pregnant woman) Strictly indictable

[3 yrs]

54D Abusive behaviour towards intimate partner 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
55 Possess/manufacture gunpowder/explosives with intent to injure/commit serious indictable offence 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]
56 Obstruct member of clergy in his/her duties 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[2 yrs]
57 Assault on person preserving wrecks 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
58 Assault with intent to commit a serious indictable offence 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]

50 pu and/or 2 yrs

[5 yrs; in company 7 yrs]
59A Assault/AOABH during large scale public disorder 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[assault 5 yrs; AOABH 7 yrs]
60(1) Assault etc police officer in execution of duty w/o occasioning actual bodily harm 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
60(1AA) Hinder/resist/incite another to
hinder/resist police officer

20 pu and/or 12 mths

60(1A) During public disorder, assault etc police officer in execution of duty w/o causing actual bodily harm

2 yrs

[7 yrs]
60(2) AOABH of police officer in execution of duty 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
SNPP offence
60(2A) AOABH of police officer in execution of duty during public disorder 100 pu or 2 yrs
[9 yrs]
60(3) Recklessly wound/cause gbh to a police officer in execution of duty Strictly indictable
[12 yrs]
SNPP offence
60(3A) Recklessly wound/cause gbh to a police officer in execution of duty during public disorder Strictly indictable
[14 yrs]
60A(1AA) Hinder/resist/incite another to hinder/resist law enforcement officer (not police officer)

20 pu and/or 12 mths

60A(1) Assault law enforcement officer (not police officer) in execution of duty w/o causing actual bodily harm 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
60A(1A) Assault etc law enforcement officer (not police officer) in execution of duty during public disorder 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
60A(2) AOABH of law enforcement officer (not police officer) in execution of duty 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
60A(2A) AOABH of law enforcement officer (not police officer) in execution of duty during public disorder 100 pu or 2 yrs
[9 yrs]
60A(3) Recklessly wound/cause gbh to law enforcement officer (not police officer) in execution of duty Strictly indictable
[12 yrs]
60A(3A) Recklessly wound/cause gbh to law enforcement officer (not police officer) in execution of duty during public disorder Strictly indictable
[14 yrs]
60AB Assault person aiding law enforcement officer in execution of duty 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
60AC Hinder/obstruct person aiding law enforcement officer in execution of duty

20 pu and/or 12 mths

60AD(1) Hinder/obstruct/incite another to hinder/obstruct frontline emergency worker in execution of duty

20 pu and/or 12 mths

60AD(2) Assault etc frontline emergency worker in execution of duty 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
60AD(3) Assault etc frontline emergency worker in execution of duty during public disorder 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
60AD(4) AOABH of frontline emergency worker in execution of duty 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
60AD(5) AOABH of frontline emergency worker in execution of duty during public disorder 100 pu or 2 yrs
[9 yrs]
60AD(6) Recklessly wound/cause gbh to frontline emergency worker in execution of duty Strictly indictable
[12 yrs]
60AD(7) Recklessly wound/cause gbh to frontline emergency worker in execution of duty during public disorder Strictly indictable
[14 yrs]
60AE(1) Hinder/obstruct/incite another to hinder/obstruct frontline health worker in execution of duty

20 pu and/or 12 mths

60AE(2) Assault etc frontline health worker in execution of duty w/o causing actual bodily harm 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
60AE(3) Assault etc frontline health worker in execution of duty during public disorder 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
60AE(4) AOABH of frontline health worker in execution of duty 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
60AE(5) AOABH of frontline health worker in execution of duty during public disorder 100 pu or 2 yrs
[9 yrs]
60AE(6) Recklessly wound/cause gbh to frontline health worker in execution of duty Strictly indictable
[12 yrs]
60AE(7) Recklessly wound/cause gbh to frontline health worker in execution of duty during public disorder Strictly indictable
[14 yrs]
60B Assault/stalk/obtain information about law officer’s relative 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
60C Obtain personal information about officer 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
60E(1) Assault/harass/intimidate/stalk school student/staff member while attending school 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
60E(2) AOABH on school student/staff member 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
60E(3) Wound/cause gbh to school student/staff member Strictly indictable
[12 yrs]
60E(4) Enter school premises with intent to commit a s 60E offence 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
60G(1) Assault/throw missile at/stalk/ harass/intimidate retail worker w/o actual bodily harm 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[4 yrs]
60G(2) Assault/throw missile at/stalk/ harass/intimidate retail worker causing actual bodily harm 100 pu or 2 yrs
[6 yrs]
61 Common assault 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[2 yrs]
61I^ Sexual assault without consent Strictly indictable
[14 yrs]
SNPP offence
61J^ Aggravated sexual assault without consent Strictly indictable
[20 yrs]
SNPP offence
61JA^ Section 61J offence in company Strictly indictable

SNPP offence but note s 54D(1)(a) C(SP) Act
61K Assault with intent to have sexual intercourse Strictly indictable
[20 yrs]
61KC^ Sexual touching 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
61KD(1)^ Aggravated sexual touching 100 pu and/or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
SNPP offence
61KE^ Sexual act without consent 50 pu and/or 18 mths
[18 mths]
61KF(1)^ Aggravated sexual act 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[3 yrs]
66A Sexual intercourse with child under 10 yrs Strictly indictable
SNPP offence but note s 54D(1)(a) C(SP) Act
66B Attempt s 66A offence Strictly indictable
[25 yrs]
SNPP offence
66C(1)–(4) Sexual intercourse with child 10–16 yrs Strictly indictable
[child 10–14 yrs: 16 yrs;
aggravation: 20 yrs;
child 14–16 yrs: 10 yrs;
aggravation: 12 yrs]
SNPP offence
66D Assault with intent to commit s 66C(1), (2), (4) offence Strictly indictable
[child 10–14 yrs: 16 yrs;
aggravation: 20 yrs;
child 14–16 yrs: 10 yrs;
aggravation: 12 yrs]
66DA Sexual touching of child under 10 100 pu or 2 yrs
[16 yrs]
SNPP offence
66DB Sexual touching of child between 10 and 16 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]
66DC Sexual act with or towards child under 10 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
66DD Sexual act with or towards child between 10 and 16 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[2 yrs]
66DE Aggravated sexual act with or towards a child between 10 and 16 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
66DF Sexual act for production of child abuse material with or towards a child under 16 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]
66EA Persistent sexual abuse of child Strictly indictable
66EB(2) Procure/groom child for unlawful sexual activity 100 pu or 2 yrs
[12 yrs; child under 14 yrs: 15 yrs]
SNPP offence
66EB(2A) Meet/travel to meet child after grooming with intent of procuring for unlawful sexual activity with that person or another 100 pu or 2 yrs
[12 yrs; child under 14 yrs: 15 yrs]
SNPP offence
66EB(3) Expose child to indecent material or provide intoxicating substance or financial or other material benefit with intent to facilitate procurement for unlawful sex activity 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs; child under 14 yrs: 12 yrs]
SNPP offence
66EC(2) Groom a person for unlawful sexual activity with child under the person’s authority 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[5 yrs;
child under 14 yrs: 6 yrs]
66F Sexual intercourse with one of cognitive impairment Strictly indictable
[person responsible for care: 10 yrs;
take advantage of impairment: 8 yrs]
73 Sexual intercourse with young person between 16–18 yrs under special care Strictly indictable
[child 16–17 yrs under special care: 8 yrs;
child 17–18 yrs under special care:
4 yrs]
73A(1) Sexual touching of young person between 16–18 yrs under special care 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[child 16–17 yrs: 4 yrs;
child 17–18 yrs: 2 yrs]
78A Incest Strictly indictable
[child 16 yrs and above: 8 yrs]
78B Attempt s 78A offence Strictly indictable
[2 yrs]
79 Bestiality Strictly indictable
[14 yrs]
80 Attempt to commit act of bestiality 100 pu or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
80A Sexual assault by forced self-manipulation Strictly indictable
[14 yrs;
aggravation: 20 yrs]
80D Cause sexual servitude Strictly indictable
[15 yrs;
aggravation: 20 yrs]
80E Conduct business of sexual servitude Strictly indictable
[15 yrs;
aggravation: 19 yrs]
81C Indecently/improperly interfere with dead body 100 pu or 2 yrs
[2 yrs]
85 Wilfully conceal/attempt conceal birth by disposition of child’s dead
body where defendant is mother and not charged with any other person
100 pu or 2 yrs
[2 yrs]
86 Kidnap Strictly indictable
[14 yrs;
aggravation: 20 yrs;
special aggravation: 25 yrs]
87 Child abduction Strictly indictable
[10 yrs]
91A Procure person for purposes of prostitution 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
91B Procure person for purposes of prostitution by fraud, violence, threat, abuse of authority, use of drug or intoxicating liquor 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]
91D Promote/engage in acts of child prostitution Strictly indictable
[child 14 yrs and above: 10 yrs;
child under 14 yrs: 14 yrs]
SNPP offence
91E Obtain benefit from child prostitution Strictly indictable
[child 14 yrs and above: 10 yrs;
child under 14 yrs: 14 yrs]
SNPP offence
91F Use premises for child prostitution Strictly indictable
[7 yrs]
91G Use child for production of child abuse material Strictly indictable
[child 14 yrs and above: 10 yrs;
child under 14 yrs: 14 yrs;
aggravation: 20 yrs]
SNPP offence
91H(2) Produce/disseminate/possess child abuse material 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]
91HAA(1) Administer digital platform dealing with child abuse material Strictly indictable
[14 yrs]
91HAB(1) Encourage use of digital platform dealing with child abuse material Strictly indictable
[14 yrs]
91HAC(1) Provide information to avoid detection/prosecution of offences
under ss 91HAA, 91HAB
Strictly indictable
[14 yrs]
91J(1), (6) Voyeurism (including attempted offence)

100 pu and/or 2 yrs

91J(3), (6) Voyeurism in circumstances of aggravation (including attempted offence) 100 pu or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
91K(1), (6) Film another in private act without consent for purposes of sexual gratification (including attempted offence) 100 pu and/or 2 yrs Summary
91K(3), (6) Subs (1) offence in circumstances of aggravation (including attempted offence) 100 pu or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
91L(1), (6) Film another’s private parts without consent for purposes of sexual gratification (including attempted offence) 100 pu and/or 2 yrs Summary
91L(3), (6) Subs (1) offence in circumstances of aggravation (including attempted offence) 100 pu or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
91M Install device/construct/adapt building to facilitate observation/ filming to enable commission of offence under ss 91J, 91K, 91L 100 pu and/or 2 yrs Summary
91P Record intimate image without consent 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[100 pu and/or 3 yrs]
91Q Distribute intimate image without consent 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[100 pu and/or 3 yrs]
91R Threaten to record or distribute intimate image 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[100 pu and/or 3 yrs]
92 Bigamy 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
93 Participate in bigamy knowing former spouse of other party still alive 100 pu or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
93AC(3), (4) Force child to enter marriage/enter forced marriage with child Strictly indictable
[9 yrs]
93B Riot — 12 or more persons use unlawful violence 100 pu or 2 yrs
[15 yrs]
93C Affray — use or threaten unlawful violence 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]

Possess explosive in a public place

2 yrs
[5 yrs]


93FA(2) Possess/supply/make explosive with reasonable suspicion of unlawful purpose 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[50 pu and/or 3 yrs]
93FB(1) Possess anything capable of discharging any irritant matter in liquid/powder/gas/chemical form, or fuse/detonator/distress signal or flare that operates by emitting a bright light

50 pu and/or 2 yrs

93G Causing danger with firearm or spear gun 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]


93GA Fire at dwelling house/buildings Strictly indictable
[14 yrs;
public disorder: 16 yrs;
organised criminal activity: 16 yrs]
SNPP offence
93H Trespassing with/firing or dangerous use of firearm or spear gun 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[5 yrs; firing weapon 10 yrs]


93I Possessing an unregistered firearm in a public place 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[10 yrs; with aggravation 14 yrs]
93IB Possessing knife in public place/school 40 pu or 2 yrs
[4 yrs]
93IC Using/carrying knife in public place/school in presence of person likely to cause reasonable person to fear for their safety 100 pu or 2 yrs
[4 yrs]
93K Contaminating goods with intent to cause public alarm/economic loss 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]
93L Threatening to contaminate goods with intent to cause public alarm or economic loss 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]
93M Making false statements concerning contamination of goods with intent to cause public alarm or economic loss 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]


93N Aggravated ss 93K, 93L, 93M with demands Strictly indictable
[14 yrs]
93O Aggravated ss 93K,93L offences with death/grievous bodily harm Strictly indictable
[25 yrs]
93Q Convey false information that a person or property is in danger 100 pu or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]


93R Leave or send article with intent to cause alarm 100 pu or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]


93T(1) Participate in a criminal group knowing participation contributes to criminal activity 2 yrs
[5 yrs]


93T(1A) Participate in a criminal group by directing activities 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]
93T(2) Participate in a criminal group and assault another 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]


93T(3) Participate in a criminal group and destroy/intend destroy damage property 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]


93T(4) Participate in a criminal group and assault law enforcement offer in execution of duty Strictly indictable
[14 yrs]
93T(4A) Participate in a criminal group with organised/on-going activities by directing activities 100 pu or 2 yrs
[15 yrs]
93TA Receive material benefit derived from criminal activity of criminal group 2 yrs
[10 yrs]
93V Conduct unlawful gambling operation Strictly indictable
[1000 pu and/or 7 yrs]
93X Habitual consorting with convicted offenders (persons under the age of 14 years old exempt from prosecution) 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[150 pu or 3 yrs]



93Z(1) Publicly threaten or incite violence on grounds of race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or intersex or HIV/AIDS status. 100 pu or 2 yrs
[Corp: 500 pu;
Indiv: 100 pu and/or 3 yrs]
93ZA Display Nazi symbols Indiv 100 pu and/or 12 mths;
Corp 500 pu
94(a) Rob or assault with intent to rob 100 pu or 2 yrs
[14 yrs]



94(b) Steal chattel, money or valuable security from the person of another 100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[14 yrs]




95 Section 94 offence with aggravation Strictly indictable
[20 yrs]
96 Section 95 offence with wounding Strictly indictable
[25 yrs]
97 Mail robbery being armed/in company Strictly indictable
[20 yrs;
aggravation: 25 yrs]
98 Armed robbery with wounding Strictly indictable
[25 yrs]
SNPP offence
99 Demand property with menaces with intent to steal 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs;
in company 14 yrs]



Break out of dwelling-house after committing, or entering with intent to commit, serious indictable offence where serious indictable offence is stealing or intentionally or recklessly destroying or damaging property, value of property does not exceed $60,000

100 pu or 2 yrs
[14 yrs]


  • commit offence under s 109(1) in any other case

Strictly indictable
[14 yrs]
109(2) Commit offence under s 109(1) with aggravation, where serious indictable offence is stealing or intentionally or recklessly destroying or damaging property, value of property does not exceed $60,000, and circumstance of aggravation is in company 100 pu or 2 yrs
[20 yrs]


  • commit offence under s 109(1) in any other case

Strictly indictable
[20 yrs]
109(3) Commit offence under s 109(1) with special aggravation Strictly indictable
[25 yrs]
110 Break/enter and assault with intent to murder Strictly indictable
[25 yrs]
111(1) Enter dwelling with intent to commit serious indictable offence, where serious indictable offence is stealing/maliciously destroying/damaging property 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]


  • enter dwelling house with intent to commit serious offence other than stealing/maliciously/destroying/damaging property

Strictly indictable
[10 yrs]
111(2) Commit offence under s 111(1) with aggravation, where serious indictable offence is stealing/intentionally/recklessly/destroying/damaging property, property value does not exceed $60,000, and circumstance of aggravation is in company 100 pu or 2 yrs
[14 yrs]
  • commit offence under s 111(1) with aggravation in any other case

Strictly indictable
[14 yrs]
111(3) Commit offence under s 111(1) with special aggravation Strictly indictable
[20 yrs]

Break and enter dwelling house and commit serious indictable offence/be in dwelling house, commit serious indictable offence and break out, where serious indictable offence is stealing or intentionally or recklessly destroying or damaging property, and value of property does not exceed $60,000

100 pu or 2 yrs
[14 yrs]
  • commit offence under s 112(1) in any other case

Strictly indictable
[14 yrs]

Commit offence under s 112(1) with aggravation, where serious indictable offence is stealing or intentionally or recklessly destroying or damaging property, property value does not exceed $60,000, and circumstance of aggravation is in company

100 pu or 2 yrs
[20 yrs]
SNPP offence
112(3) Commit offence under s 112(1) with special aggravation in any other case Strictly indictable
[25 yrs]
SNPP offence
113(1) Break and enter dwelling with intent to commit serious indictable offence where serious indictable offence is stealing/maliciously/destroying/damaging property 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]


  • offence under s 113(1) in any other case

Strictly indictable
113(2) Commit an offence under s 113(1) with aggravation, where serious indictable offence is stealing or intentionally or recklessly destroying or damaging property, the value does not exceed $60,000, and circumstance of aggravation is in company. 100 pu or 2 yrs
[14 yrs]


  • offence under s 113(1) in any other case

Strictly indictable

Commit offence under s 113(1) with special aggravation

Strictly indictable
[20 yrs]
114(1)(a) Armed with weapon with intent to commit indictable offence 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
114(1)(b) Have in possession housebreaking
implement/implement capable of being used
to enter and/or drive conveyance
50 pu and/or 2 yrs
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[7 yrs]
114(1)(c) Face blackened etc with intent to commit indictable offence 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
114(1)(d) Enter or remain on building with intent to commit indictable offence 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
115 Convicted offender armed with intent to commit indictable offence 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]
117 Larceny and similar offences 100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[5 yrs]



125 Larceny by a bailee 100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[5 yrs]



126 Stealing cattle or killing with intent to steal 100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[14 yrs]



131 Unlawfully using etc another person’s cattle 100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[3 yrs]



132 Stealing dogs 100 pu or 12 mths where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 12 mths if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 12 mths if value not over $2000
[12 mths]



133 Corruptly taking money to restore dogs 100 pu or 12 mths where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 12 mths if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 12 mths if value not over $2000
[12 mths]



135 Steal, destroy wills or codicils 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
138 Stealing, destroying etc records etc of any court or public office 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
139 Stealing etc metal, glass, wood etc,
fixed to house or land
100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[5 yrs]



140 Stealing etc trees in pleasure-grounds etc 100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[5 yrs]



148 Stealing property in a dwelling house 100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[7 yrs]



149 Commit s 148 offence with menaces Strictly indictable
[14 yrs]
150 Stealing goods in process of manufacture 100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[3 yrs]



151 Selling etc materials to be manufactured 100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[4 yrs]



152 Stealing from ship in port or on wharfs etc 100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[7 yrs]



153 Stealing from ship in distress or wrecked 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]
154 Tenant, etc steal articles let to hire 100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[5 yrs]



154A Take conveyance without consent of owner 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]


154B(1) Steal aircraft 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
154B(3) Take control of aircraft while another person on board Strictly indictable
[14 yrs]
154B(4) Take control of aircraft by threat/violence/trick while another aboard Strictly indictable
[20 yrs]
154C(1)(a) Assault with intent to take car/vessel, and in fact take and drive, or take for the purpose of driving 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]
SNPP offence
154C(1)(b) Take car/vessel and drive, or take for the purpose of driving, when a person is in it or on it 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]
SNPP offence
154C(2) Offence under subs (1) with aggravation 100 pu or 2 yrs
[14 yrs]
SNPP offence
154D(1) Stealing firearm 100 pu or 2 yrs
[14 yrs]


154F Steal car/vessel/trailer 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]
154G(1) Knowingly facilitate a car/boat/trailer re-birthing activity on an organised basis Strictly indictable
[14 yrs]
SNPP offence
154H(1) Make/use/possess/copy/interfere with unique
identifier of motor vehicle/vessel/trailer
50 pu and/or 2 yrs
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[7 yrs]
154I(1) Possess motor vehicle/vessel/trailer where unique
identifier has been interfered with
50 pu and/or 2 yrs
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[5 yrs]
154J(1) Possess vehicle identification plate
not attached to vehicle or trailer
50 pu and/or 2 yrs
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[5 yrs]
154K(1) Disseminate material to
advertise involvement in motor theft or
break and enter offences
50/100 pu and/or 2 yrs
unless strictly indictable
(depending on underlying offence)
[Penalty for underlying offence + 2 yrs]
  Table for respective
underlying offence/
Strictly indictable
156 Larceny by clerks or servants 100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[10 yrs]



157 Embezzlement by clerks or servants 100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[10 yrs]



159 Larceny by persons in Public Service 100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[10 yrs]



160 Embezzlement etc by persons
in the Public Service
100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[10 yrs]



188(1) Receiving stolen property where stealing a serious indictable offence 100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[12 yrs motor vehicle/vessel etc; other 10 yrs]



189 Receiving etc where principal guilty of
minor indictable offence
100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[3 yrs]



189A(1) Receiving etc goods stolen out of NSW 100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[10 yrs]



190 Receiving etc cattle unlawfully killed; carcass 100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[10 yrs]



192 Receiving material or tools entrusted
for manufacture
100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[4 yrs]



192E(1) Fraud — dishonestly obtain by deception property/financial advantage/cause financial disadvantage 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]
192F(1) Dishonestly destroy/conceal accounting record with intent to defraud 100 pu or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
192G Dishonestly make/publish false/misleading statement with intent to defraud 100 pu or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
192H(1) Officer of organisation make/publish false/misleading statement with intent to deceive members/creditors 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
192J Deal in identification information with intent commit/facilitate indictable offence 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]
192K Possess identification information with intent commit/facilitate indictable offence 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
192L Possess equipment capable of making
identification information with intent
commit/facilitate indictable offence
50 pu and/or 2 yrs
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[3 yrs]
192P Possess dedicated encrypted criminal
communication device to commit/facilitate
serious criminal activity
50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[3 yrs]
193B(1), (2) Knowingly deal with proceeds of crime Strictly indictable
[15 yrs;
intent to conceal: 20 yrs]
193B(3) Recklessly deal with proceeds of crime 100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000;
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[10 yrs]




193BA(3) Recklessly deal with proceeds of general crime 100 pu or 2 yrs where value $100,000
or more [10 yrs]


193C(1AA) Deal with property when reasonable suspicion
that proceeds of crime
100 pu or 2 yrs where value $5,000,000
or more
[8 yrs]
193C(1AB) Commit s 193C(1AA) offence in circumstances of aggravation 100 pu or 2 yrs where value $5,000,000
or more
[10 yrs]
193C(1), (2) Deal with property when reasonable suspicion
that proceeds of crime
100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000;
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[5 yrs value over $100,000 but less than $5 million]
[3 yrs value less than $100,000]


193D Deal with property later used as instrument of crime Strictly indictable
[15 yrs;
recklessness: 10 yrs]

Offences related to cheating at gambling

Engage in/facilitate/conceal conduct that corrupts betting outcome of event/use corrupt conduct information for betting purposes

100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]

Possess corrupt conduct information and bet on an event, encourage another to bet on an event or communicate corrupt conduct information to another person

100 pu or 2 yrs
[2 yrs]
195(1) Intentionally or recklessly destroying or
damaging property
100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[5 yrs;
with fire/explosives:10 yrs]



195(1A) Commit subs (1) offence in company 100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[6 yrs;
with fire/explosives:11 yrs]



195(2) Commit subs (1) offence during public disorder 100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[7 yrs;
with fire/explosives:12 yrs]



196(1) Destroying or damaging property with intent to cause bodily injury 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs;
with fire/explosives: 14 yrs]
196(2) During public disorder, commit offence under subs (1) 100 pu or 2 yrs
[9 yrs;
with fire/explosives: 16 yrs]
197(1) Dishonestly destroy or damage property with a view to gain 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs;
with fire/explosives: 14 yrs]
197(2) During public disorder commit offence under subs (1) 100 pu or 2 yrs
[9 yrs;
with fire/explosives: 16 yrs]
198 Destroy/damage property with intent to endanger life Strictly indictable
[25 yrs]
199(1) Threatening to destroy or damage property 100 pu or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
199(2) During public disorder, commit offence under subs (1) 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
200(1) Possession, custody or control of an article with intent to destroy or damage property 100 pu or 2 yrs
[3 yrs;
explosive article: 7 yrs]
200(2) During public disorder commit offence under subs (1) 100 pu or 2 yrs
[5 yrs;
 explosive article: 9 yrs]
201 Interfering with a mine 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]


202 Intentionally or recklessly destroy, damage sea, river, canal and other works 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]


203B Sabotage Strictly indictable
[25 yrs]
203C(1) Threaten sabotage to public facility 100 pu or 2 yrs
[14 yrs]


203E(1) Intentionally cause fire and be reckless as to its spread 100 pu or 2 yrs
[21 yrs]
SNPP offence
204 Destroy/damage aircraft/reckless indifference Strictly indictable
[25 yrs]
205 Prejudice safe operation of aircraft/vessel Strictly indictable
[14 yrs]
206 Assault crew member of aircraft/vessel Strictly indictable
[14 yrs]
207(2) Placing, carrying dangerous articles on board an aircraft or vessel 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]


208(2) Make demand with threat to destroy/damage/endanger safety of aircraft/vessel or to kill/inflict injury to persons on board Strictly indictable
[14 yrs]
208(3) As in (2) and discharges firearm causes explosion/gbh to person Strictly indictable
[25 yrs]
208(4) Make threat to destroy etc aircraft, vessel or transport vehicle or kill/inflict injury to persons on board 100 pu or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]

Convey false information as to plan to prejudice the safety of an aircraft or vessel or persons on board

100 pu or 2 yrs
[2 yrs]
210 Intentionally or recklessly destroy, damage an aid to navigation 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]


211(1) Criminal acts to railways with intent to cause death/gbh Strictly indictable
[25 yrs]
212 By unlawful act/negligent omission, endanger safety of person/being conveyed on railway 100 pu or 2 yrs
[3 yrs]


213 Obstructing a railway 100 pu or 2 yrs
[2 yrs]


214A(1) Damage/disruption to major facility 200 pu and/or 2 yrs Summary
249B Corrupt commissions or rewards 100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[7 yrs]




249C Misleading documents or statements used or made by agents 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]


249D Corrupt inducements for advice 100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[7 yrs]





Corrupt benefits for trustees and others

100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[7 yrs]




249F Aid, abet, counsel, procure, solicit, incite
offence under s 249C
100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]


249F Aid, abet, counsel, procure, solicit, incite offence under ss 249B, 249D, 249E 100 pu or 2 yrs where value exceeds $5000
50 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $5000;
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[7 yrs]




249K(1) Blackmail — demand with menaces for gain/loss or to influence public duty 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]


249K(2) Demand with menaces with accusation/threatened accusation of serious indictable crime 100 pu or 2 yrs
[14 yrs]


253 Forgery — make false document with intent to induce some person to accept it as genuine to obtain advantage 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]
254 Use false document with intent to induce some person to accept it as genuine to obtain advantage 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]
255 Possess false document with intent 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]
256(1) Knowingly make/possess equipment designed to make false document with intent that it be so used 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]
256(2)–(3) Knowingly make/possess equipment designed
to make false document
50 pu and/or 2 yrs
20 pu and/or 2 yrs if value not over $2000
[3 yrs]


307A(1) Make false/misleading application 200 pu and/or 2 yrs Summary
307B(1) Give false/misleading information to another for benefit 200 pu and/or 2 yrs Summary
307C(1) Produce false/misleading document 200 pu and/or 2 yrs Summary
308C(1) Unauthorised access modification or impairment with intent to commit serious indictable offence where the serious indictable offence is punishable by 10 yrs or less 100 pu or 2 yrs
[penalty same as serious indictable offence committed]


308D(1) Unauthorised modification of data with intent to cause impairment 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]


308E(1) Unauthorised impairment of electrical communication 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]
308F(1) Possession of data with intent to commit serious computer offence 100 pu or 2 yrs
[3 yrs]
308G(1) Produce, supply or obtain data with intent to commit serious computer offence 100 pu or 2 yrs
[3 yrs]


308H Unauthorised access to or modification of restricted data held in computer 2 yrs* Summary
308I Unauthorised impairment of data held in computer disk, credit card or other device 2 yrs* Summary
Part 6A Sections 310A–310H — does not apply to custody under home detention order
or intensive correction order, or child detention centre
310B Rescue inmate from lawful custody Strictly indictable
[14 yrs]
310C Aiding escape 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]


310D Escape from lawful custody; fail to return 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]


310E(1) Tunnels to facilitate escape 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]


310F(1) Permitting escape 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs wilful;
2 yrs negligent]
310G(1) Knowingly harbour, maintain, employ escapee 100 pu or 2 yrs
[3 yrs]
310J Membership of terrorist organisation Strictly indictable
[10 yrs]
314 Make false accusation intending person to be investigated, knowing other person to be innocent 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
315(1) Hinder investigation of serious indictable offence 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
315A(1) Threatening or intimidating victims or witnesses 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
316(1) Conceal serious indictable offence 100 pu or 2 yrs
[(a) 2 yrs if the max penalty for serious indictable offence is not more than 10 yrs;
(b) 3 yrs if max penalty for serious indictable offence is more than 10 yrs but not more than 20 yrs;
(c) 5 yrs if max penalty for serious indictable offence is more than 20 yrs]
316(2) Solicit/accept/agrees to accept benefit for commission of offence under s 316(1) 100 pu or 2 yrs
[(a) 5 yrs if the max penalty for serious indictable offence is not more than 10 yrs;
(b) 6 yrs if the max penalty for serious indictable offence is more than 10 yrs but not more than 20 yrs;
(c) 7 yrs if the max penalty for serious indictable offence is more than 20 yrs]
316A(1) Concealing child abuse offence 100 pu or 2 yrs
[(a) 2 yrs if max penalty for child abuse offence is less than 5 yrs;
(b) 5 yrs if max penalty for child abuse offence is 5 yrs or more]
316A(4) Solicits, accepts or agrees to accept any benefit for commission of an offence under s 316A(1) 100 pu or 2 yrs
[(a) 5 yrs if max penalty for child abuse offence is less than 5 yrs;
(b) 7 yrs if max penalty for child abuse offence is 5 yrs or more]
317 Tampering with evidence with intent to mislead judicial tribunal 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]
318(2), (3) Make/use false official document to pervert course of justice Strictly indictable
[14 yrs]
319 General offence of pervert course of justice 100 pu or 2 yrs
[14 yrs]
321, 322(1), 323 Corruption of witness and jurors
— threat or intimidation
of judges and others —
influence of witnesses/jurors
100 pu or 2 yrs
unless person charged intended to procure conviction/acquittal of another of any serious indictable offence — when strictly indictable
[10 yrs corruption of witness, etc
10 yrs intimidation of judge, etc
7 yrs influence of witness, etc]


325(1), (1A), (2) Preventing, obstructing or dissuading
witness or juror from attending
as witness or producing evidence
pursuant to summons or subpoena
100 pu or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]


326(1), (2) Threaten reprisals against judges and others 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]


327(1) Perjury 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]
328 Perjury with intent to procure conviction/acquittal Strictly indictable
[14 yrs]
330 Make false statement on oath not amounting to perjury 100 pu or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
333(1) Procure, persuade, induce or cause a person to give false testimony 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
335 Make false statement in evidence on commission 100 pu or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
336(1), (2) Make false statement for entry kept in register by public official 100 pu or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
337 Public official knowingly issue false instrument for improper purpose 100 pu or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]


351A(1) Recruiting another to engage in criminal activity 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
351A(2) Recruiting children to engage in criminal activity 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]


353B (now s 547D)    
502 Possess part of skin or carcass of stolen cattle 5 pu and/or 6 mths Summary
503 Steal dog 5 pu and/or 6 mths Summary
504 Possess stolen dog or skin of stolen dog 5 pu Summary
505 Steal or kill with intent to steal, domestic animal or bird 5 pu and/or 6 mths Summary
506 Steal or kill with intent to steal, domestic animal or bird (2nd + offence) 12 mths Summary
507 Possess stolen bird/animal or skin thereof 5 pu and/or 6 mths Summary
508 Possess stolen bird/animal or skin thereof (2nd + offence) 12 mths Summary
510 Destroy part of fence of land where deer are kept/set snare for deer 5 pu Summary
512 Destroy/take fish in waters on private property 0.1 pu and fine = to value of fish Summary
513 Destroy/damage, with intent to steal/steal part of plant etc 5 pu and/or 6 mths Summary
515 Steal/cut etc with intent to steal live/dead fence etc 1 pu and value of property stolen/injured Summary
517 Possess whole or part of tree/fence etc 1 pu and value of property stolen/injured Summary
518 Steal/damage with intent to steal dead wood on another’s land 1 pu and value of property stolen/injured Summary
520 Steal/damage with intent to steal plant etc in garden etc 5 pu and/or 6 mths Summary
521 Steal/damage with intent to steal plants etc not growing in gardens 2 pu Summary
521A Steal rock/stone gravel in, under or forming part of land 5 pu and/or 6 mths Summary
522 Possess goods from shipwreck

5 pu and/or 6 mths

Order for delivery to owner
523 Offer goods from shipwreck for sale 5 pu and/or 6 mths
Order for delivery to owner upon payment reasonable reward
525 Steal/damage books and other things in public libraries and other places 10 pu and/or 12 mths and fine = 4 x value property Summary
527C(1) Goods in custody:

if a motor vehicle or motor vehicle part


in the case of any other thing


10 pu and/or 12 mths;
5 pu and/or 6 mths
530(1) Commit serious act of animal cruelty with intent to inflict severe pain 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
530(1A) Recklessly commit serious act of animal cruelty 2 yrs
[3 yrs]
531 Intentionally kill or seriously injure animal used by law enforcement
officer in execution of duty or in retaliation for such use
2 yrs
[5 yrs]


545B(1) Intimidation or annoyance by violence 50 pu and/or 2 yrs Summary
545C(1) Knowingly joining in, continuing in, unlawful assembly 5 pu and/or 6 mths Summary
545C(2) Member of unlawful assembly armed with weapon or loaded arms 10 pu and/or 12 mths Summary
546B(1) Found in premises/public place with intent to commit indictable offence 4 pu or 6 mths Summary
546D(1) Impersonate a police officer 100 pu and/or 2 yrs Summary
546D(2) Impersonate a police officer with intent to deceive 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
547B(1) Public mischief 50 pu and/or 12 mths Summary
547C Peep or pry 2 pu or 3 mths Summary
547D Carry cutting instrument

5 pu and/or 6 mths

547E(1) Produce/disseminate bestiality/animal crush material Strictly indictable
[Greater of:
max penalty for offence against s 530(1);
or 5 yrs]
547E(2) Possess bestiality/animal crush material Strictly indictable
[3 yrs]
578A(2) Publish details of complainant in prescribed sexual offences Indiv 50 pu and/or 6 mths; Corp 500 pu Summary
578C(2) Publish indecent articles Indiv 100 pu and/or 12 mths; Corp 200 pu Summary
578E(2) Advertise, display products re sexual behaviour Indiv 100 pu and/or 12 mths;
Corp 200 pu

No alternative monetary penalty specified. These offences are specifically designated summary offences, and they do not fall within either Table 1 or Table 2.

Provisions for certain sexual assault offences repealed on 1 December 2018 by Criminal Legislation Amendment (Child Sexual Abuse) Act 2018

61L Assault with act of indecency 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
61M Aggravated indecent assault 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs; (10 yrs victim under 16 yrs)]
SNPP offence
61N(1) Commit act of indecency to or with person under 16 yrs 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[2 yrs]
61N(2) Commit act of indecency to or with person 16 yrs or above 50 pu and/or 18 mths
[18 mths]
61O(1) Commit aggravated act of indecency to or with person under 16 yrs 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[5 yrs]
61O(1A) Commit aggravated act of indecency to/with person 16 yrs or above 50 pu and/or 2 yrs
[3 yrs]
61O(2) Commit act of indecency with/towards person under 10 yrs 100 pu or 2 yrs
[7 yrs]
61O(2A) Commit/incite act of indecency with/towards person under 16 yrs knowing act being filmed for production of child pornography 100 pu or 2 yrs
[10 yrs]