
[References are to paragraph numbers]


Abnormality of mindsee Mental Health and Cognitive Impairment Forensic Provisions Act 2020
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
care and protection
care and permanency plans, [40-080]
final care orders, [40-100]
principles, [40-000]
media access, [50-020]
public access, [50-020]
absence of, [16-080]
Mental Health and Cognitive Impairment Forensic Provisions Act 2020, [30-060]
prison discipline hearings, [68-060]
Affirmations, [64-000]
forms of, [64-020]
interpreters, [14-020], [14-100]
Alcohol and drug intoxicationsee Drink driving; Drug offences; Involuntary drug and alcohol treatment
application notice proceedings, [52-020]
apprehended violence orders, [52-020]
bail, [20-800], [52-120]
civil, [52-080]
conviction, against, [52-020], [52-060]
defendant unaware of initial proceedings, [52-020]
District Court, to, [52-000], [52-060]
Land and Environment Court, to, [52-000], [52-100]
legislation, [52-000]
Local Court, review of decisions of, [52-000], [52-020]
sentence, against, [52-020], [52-060]
Small Claims Division, [32-140]
stay of sentencing upon notice of appeal, [52-040], [52-060], [52-100]
Supreme Court, to, [52-000], [52-040]
time limits, [52-020], [52-060]
failure to
bail, [20-640]
leave to, [66-000], [66-040]
coronial inquest, [44-100]
requirement to
bail, [20-020]
right to, [66-000], [66-020]
Apprehended violence orders
abbreviations, [22-000]
appeals against, [22-120], [52-020]
appeals to District Court, [22-240]
application for, [22-020]
dismissal, [22-120]
opposition, [22-080]
post-order, [22-120]
service, [22-040]
apprehended domestic violence orders, [22-020]
apprehended personal violence orders, [22-020]
case management orders
PN/22012, application of, [22-080]
considerations, [22-120]
evidence, giving, [22-080]
proceedings involving, [22-060]
statutory obligations in regard to, [22-060]
Children’s Court, [24-000], [38-340]
applications, [24-040]
case management, [24-040]
child witnesses, [24-040]
evidence, [24-040]
family law orders, contact, [24-040]
identifying information, [24-040]
jurisdiction, [24-020]
make, vary or revoke, [24-020]
orders, making, [24-040]
orders, other, [24-040]
police-initiated orders, protected person/child, [24-040]
procedures, [24-040]
proceedings, absence of public, [24-040]
proceedings, child defendant, [24-020]
proceedings, considerations, [24-040]
revocation, [24-040]
statutory obligation, [24-040]
support person, [24-040]
variation, [24-040]
variation, family law orders, [24-040]
consent orders, [22-060], [22-120]
contested hearings, [22-100]
evidence, giving, [22-100]
costs, [22-100], [22-160], [56-080]
domestic violence orders, [22-020]
duration of, [22-060]
duration, orders, [22-120]
eligible persons, [22-020]
evidence, procedure for
sexual offences, [22-100]
exclusion from premises, [22-080]
expired AVO, revocation of, [22-120]
explanation of, [22-060]
family law orders, alteration of existing, [22-080]
final orders
duration, [22-060]
timing, [22-060]
finding of guilt, [22-060]
discretion to vary existing order, [22-220]
discretion to vary order, [22-060]
final orders, [22-140]
orders, making, [22-060]
first listing, [22-060]
interim orders, [22-060]
contested applications, [22-080]
duration, [22-060]
interstate orders, [22-120]
registration and variation, [22-220]
Local Court procedure, [22-000]
matters to consider, [22-080]
mediation, [22-060]
referral to, [22-080]
National Domestic Violence Order recognition scheme, [22-260]
non-publication prohibitions, [22-200]
objects of the Act, [22-000]
orders, when take effect, [22-120]
other pending proceedings, [22-140]
addresses, non-inclusion of, [22-060]
personal violence orders, [22-020]
persons who may seek, [22-020]
police, [56-080]
power of the court to make, [22-060]
procedure if party not present, [22-100]
procedures at hearing, [22-100]
property recovery orders, [22-060]
property recovery, orders, [22-120]
provisional orders, [22-040], [22-060]
publication, prohibition against, [22-080]
related family law proceedings, obligation to disclose, [22-080]
residential address
restrictions, [22-120]
review, appeal provisions, [22-240]
applications, of, [22-040]
pre-court, [22-040]
sexual offence cases, [22-080]
statutory power to make orders
test to be applied, [22-120]
statutory requirements, explaining orders, [22-120]
stay of orders, presumption against, [22-240]
stay, presumption against, [22-120]
support person, right to presence of, [22-100]
types of orders, [22-020]
variation and revocation of, [22-080], [22-120]
variation, final/court orders, [22-220]
vulnerable persons
evidence, procedure for, [22-100]
warrant for arrest of defendant, [22-060]
warrants, [22-180]
withdrawal of application, [22-060]
Commonwealth offences, [18-040]
court security officers, powers, [50-100]
provisional warrants, [46-120]
Local Court proceedings, [54-000]
Assessment reports
community correction officers, [16-200]
community service work, [16-200]
home detention, [16-200]
intensive correction order, [16-200]
Justice Health, [16-200]
matters addressed, [16-200]
psychiatric/psychological, [16-200]
request by court, [16-200]
when to request, [16-200]
sentencing, [16-200]
AVOssee Apprehended violence orders


acknowledgements, [20-040], [20-540]
appear, failure to, [20-640]
comply with, failure to, [20-600], [20-620]
appeal, on, [20-800], [52-120]
failure to, [20-640]
requirement to, [20-020], [20-040], [20-560]
applications, [20-120]
dealing with, [20-220]
fresh, procedure for, [20-460]
power to hear, [20-140]
refuse hearing, discretionary grounds to, [20-440]
Bail Act 2013, [20-000]
application of, [20-240]
legislative purpose, [20-020]
children, [38-040]
Children’s Court, [38-040]
guidelines, [38-040]
limitation on, [38-040]
rehabilitation, release to demonstrate, [38-120]
Commonwealth offences
arrest for, [18-040]
child sex offences, [20-820]
conditional release, procedure for, [20-340]
conditions, [20-360]
bail authorities, powers of, [20-620]
comply with, failure to, [20-600]
court, decisions by, [20-060], [20-200]
eligible persons, [20-080]
statutory flow chart, [20-300]
stay of decision for serious offences, [20-520]
test applied, [20-300]
timing, [20-220]
definition, [20-040]
duration of, [20-100]
eligible persons, [20-080]
evidence, rules of, [20-260]
extradition proceedings, [20-230], [46-060]
persons under restraint, [46-040]
first appearance, upon, [20-160]
grant, procedures following, [20-480]
accused remains in custody, where, [20-500]
guarantors, [20-740]
liability, application for discharge of, [20-780]
variation applications and, [20-760]
intoxication, deferral of decision, [20-200]
jurisdictional issues, [20-150]
Local Court, restrictions on, [20-150]
Mental Health and Cognitive Impairment Forensic Provisions Act 2020, [30-180]
offences committed while on, [38-180]
proceedings, evidence, rules of, [20-260]
reasons to be recorded, [20-320]
refusal of, [20-380]
adjournment, limitation on following, [20-400]
multiple applications for release following, [20-420]
release offences carrying right of, [20-300]
release, right of, [20-300]
self-represented person, [20-160]
sentencing, deferral of
intervention program, [16-220]
rehabilitation, [16-220]
serious offences
definition, [20-300]
show cause, [20-300]
stay of decision for, [20-520]
special or exceptional circumstances, [20-300], [20-300]
standard of proof, [20-280]
statutory flow chart, [20-300]
show cause requirement in s 16, [20-300]
terrorism related offences, [20-300]
test to be applied, [20-300]
unacceptable risk test, [20-300]
variation, [20-660]
application for, [20-700]
bail guarantors and, [20-760]
eligible persons, [20-700]
first appearance, on, [20-680]
notice requirements, [20-720]
young offenders, [38-040]


Care and protection
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
care and permanency plans, [40-080]
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander principles, [40-000]
active efforts, [40-000]
cultural plan, [40-000]
parent responsibility contract, [40-000]
permanent placement principle, [40-000]
support services, [40-000]
active effort
care order, [40-020]
alternative parenting plan, [40-220]
care applications, [40-020]
alternatives to, [40-140]
registration, [40-140]
care orders
active effort, [40-020]
alternative action, [40-020]
application for, [40-020]
breach of, [40-200]
establishment phase, [40-060]
grounds for, [40-060]
placement, [40-080]
rescission of, [40-160]
variation of, [40-160]
care plans, [40-080]
costs, [40-120]
emergency care and protection order
application for, [40-020]
final care orders, [40-100]
contact orders, [40-100]
duration, [40-100]
guardianship order, [40-100]
parental responsibility, [40-100]
prohibition, [40-100]
restrictions, [40-100]
special circumstances, [40-100]
suitability reports and progress review, [40-100]
supervision orders, [40-100]
support services, [40-100]
therapeutic treatment, [40-100]
undertakings, [40-100]
variation, [40-100]
guardianship order
application for, [40-020]
hearings, [40-040]
appear, right to, [40-040]
appearance and legal representation, [40-040]
direct legal representative, [40-040]
evidence, rules of, [40-040]
expeditious and non-adversarial, [40-040]
general nature, [40-040]
guardian ad litem, [40-040]
heard, opportunity to be, [40-040]
independent legal representative, [40-040]
names and identifying information, publication of, [40-040]
persons excluded, [40-040]
proof, standard of, [40-040]
representation, [40-040]
siblings, views of, [40-040]
support person, [40-040]
witnesses, examination and cross-examination of, [40-040]
interim order
application for, [40-020]
variation of, [40-160]
objects, [40-000]
paramountcy principle, [40-000]
parent capacity orders, [40-180]
permanency planning, [40-080]
permanent placement principle, [40-000]
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, permanency planning, [40-080]
active efforts, [40-080]
assessment, [40-080]
care and permanency plans, consideration of, [40-080]
care plans, [40-080]
Children’s Court Clinic, [40-080]
dispute resolution, [40-080]
permanency planning, [40-080]
restoration, realistic possibility of, [40-080]
direct legal representative, [40-040]
independent legal representative, [40-040]
serious or persistent conflict, [40-220]
alternative parenting plan, [40-220]
support person, [40-040]
guardian ad litem, [40-040]
unacceptable risk of harm test, [40-000]
Case managementsee Court and case management
Character referencessee Testimonials
Children, [10-000]see also Care and protection; Children’s Court
abuse of, [18-280]
apprehended violence order proceedings, [22-060], [22-080]
evidence, giving, [22-080]
statutory obligations, [22-060]
compellability, [10-000]
competence, [10-000]
evidence of, [10-000]
CCTV, [10-080]
committal proceedings, [10-160]
in camera, [10-140]
methods of giving evidence, [10-040]
pre-recorded interview, [10-060]
publication, [10-140]
support persons, [10-100]
unreliability, [10-020]
oaths, [10-000]
unrepresented accused, questioning by, [10-120]
Children’s Court, [38-000], [40-000]see also Care and protection
admissions, [38-020]
apprehended violence orders, [38-340]
out-of-home care, [38-340]
procedure, [38-340]
young person, commenced against, [38-340]
young person, protection of, [38-340]
background reports, [38-100]
bail, [38-040]
rehabilitation, release to demonstrate, [38-120]
bonds, [38-080], [38-120]
care and protection, [40-000]
cautions, [38-080], [38-120]
non-compliance, [38-320]
charge, dismissal of, [38-080], [38-120]
child protection register, placement on, [38-240]
closed court for criminal proceedings, [38-020]
other than “serious indictable offence”, [38-060]
procedure, [38-060]
transfer of back up and related offences, [38-060]
trial at election of child, [38-060]
trial/sentence, [38-060]
Commonwealth offences, [38-020]
community service orders, [38-080], [38-140]
forms of orders, [38-120]
compensation orders, [38-080], [38-280]
control orders, [38-080]
forms of orders, [38-180]
non-parole period, discharge prior to expiration of, [38-180]
costs, [38-280]
criminal jurisdiction, [38-000]
criminal procedure, [38-000], [38-020]
forensic procedures, [38-020], [38-080]
questioning, for, [38-020]
doli incapax, [38-020]
driving matters, [38-020]
explaining the proceedings, [38-020]
fine and bond, [38-120]
fines, [38-080], [38-120]
children, of, [38-020], [38-080]
forms of orders, [38-140]
good behaviour bonds, [38-300]
homeless offenders, [38-040]
juvenile and adult cases, hearing together, [38-060]
licence disqualification or forfeiture, [38-200]
mental health, [38-260]
non-association orders, [38-220]
other offences, taking into account, [38-020]
outcome plan, [38-320]
release on condition to comply with, [38-120]
parental responsibility, [38-080]
conditions, [42-100]
hearings, procedure at, [42-140]
jurisdiction, [42-040]
orders, [42-000], [42-080]
revocation, [42-120]
terrorism related offenders, [42-160]
parole orders, [38-180]
penalties, hierarchy of, [38-080]
place restriction orders, [38-220]
principles binding the court, [38-020]
probation orders, [38-080], [38-140]
records, [38-080]
conferencing, for, [38-080], [38-320]
rehabilitation, [38-080]
rehabilitation, release on bail to demonstrate, [38-120]
responsible person, presence of, [38-020]
sentencing, [38-080], [38-120]
sexual offence, [38-240]
supervision, [38-140]
suspended control orders, [38-080]
suspended sentence, [38-080], [38-160]
breach of, [38-300]
victim impact statements, [38-080]
victims support levy, [38-280]
youth justice conference, [38-080], [38-120], [38-320]
Circumstantial evidencesee Evidence
Cognitive impairmentsee Mental Health and Cognitive Impairment Forensic Provisions Act 2020
Committal proceedings, [28-000], [28-020]
alibi defence, [28-220]
arrest warrants for, [16-080]
audio visual link (AVL), [28-060], [28-120]
case conference, [28-120]
charge certificates, [28-100]
evidence of, [10-160]
Children’s Court, [38-060]
witnesses, [28-140]
costs, [28-200], [56-020]
cross-examination, [28-160]
defendant, absence of, [28-240]
definition, [28-040]
evidence, [28-000]
brief of, [28-080]
failure to appear, [28-240]
guilty plea, [28-160]
hearings, [28-100], [28-160]
paper committals, [28-080]
practice note, [74-300], [74-400], [74-500]
procedure, [28-040]
substantial reasons, [28-140]
unfitness, [28-180]
video link
District Court, [28-240]
witnesses, [28-140]
Commonwealth offences
amendments, [18-060]
arrest, [18-040]
child sex offences, [20-820]
terrorism and child sex offences, [18-020]
biosecurity offences, [18-320]
child abuse, [18-280]
child sex offences
bail, [20-820]
community service orders, [18-100]
costs, [18-080]
currency transactions, [18-380]
customs offences, [18-300]
deterrence, [18-080]
discharge without conviction, [18-100]
dismissal without conviction, [18-100]
duty, evasion of payment, [18-300]
explanation of penalty, [18-080]
false accounts, [18-380]
Financial Transaction Reports Act 1988 (Cth), under, [18-380]
financial transactions, offences, [18-380]
fines, [18-100]
general sentencing options, [18-100]
guilty plea, [18-080]
importation, [18-320]
importing/exporting, [18-300]
indictable, [18-060]
intensive correction orders, [18-100]
jurisdiction, [18-020]
State courts, [18-020]
jurisdiction, challenges re, [18-060]
legislation, [18-000]
mental illness, persons suffering from, [18-140]
migration offences, [18-340]
money laundering offences, [18-260]
multiple, [18-060]
narcotic offences, [18-240]
passport offences, [18-360]
pecuniary penalty under recognizance, [18-100]
penalties, [18-160]
period, extension of, [18-040]
procedures, [18-060]
proceeds of crime, [18-400]
property worth less than $5000, [18-060]
prosecutions, commencement of, [18-060]
recognizances, [18-080], [18-100]
sentences of imprisonment, [18-080]
child sex offenders, [18-120]
discounts, [18-120]
head sentence/non-parole period ratio, [18-120]
imprisonment restrictions, [18-120]
loss, reparation for, [18-120]
non-parole periods, [18-120]
recognizance release orders, [18-120]
sentencing policy, [18-080]
smuggling, [18-300], [18-340]
social security fraud, [18-220]
summary, [18-060]
suspension of imprisonment, [18-100]
taking other offences into account, [18-080]
taxation offences, [18-180]
penalties, [18-200]
Community correction order, [16-320]
additional conditions, [16-160]
community service work, [16-180]
curfew, [16-180]
limit, [16-160]
suspension, [16-160]
variation or revocation, [16-160]
alcohol or drug abstention, [16-320]
breach, [16-320]
commencement, [16-320]
community service work, [16-180], [16-320]
assessment reports, [16-200]
maximum hours, [16-320]
minimum period, [16-320]
conditions, [16-320]
additional, [16-320]
further, [16-320]
standard, [16-320]
suspension, [16-320]
curfew, [16-180], [16-320]
domestic violence, [16-140], [16-320]
ex parte, cannot be imposed, [16-080]
limitation, [16-320]
maximum term, [16-320]
multiple orders, [16-180], [16-320]
non-association, [16-320]
non-custodial sentences, table, [16-480]
rehabilitation or treatment programs, [16-320]
sample order, [16-320]
sentencing, [16-120]
standard conditions, [16-160]
supervision, [16-160], [16-320]
transitional provisions, [16-500]
Community service orders
breaches of, [18-100]
children, [38-080], [38-140], [38-120]
Commonwealth offences, [18-100]
community correction order, [16-180]
intensive correction order, [16-180]
maximum periods for juveniles, [38-120]
nature and effect, explanation of, [38-120]
terms and conditions, [38-120]
Community treatment orderssee Orders
Compensation and restitution
Children’s Court
orders for, [38-280]
Commonwealth offences, [16-100], [18-080], [18-120]
factors to consider, [16-100]
maximum award, [16-100]
no conviction recorded, [16-240]
orders for, Children’s Court, [38-080]
power to award, [16-100]
prison discipline, [68-100]
property, of, [16-100]
time for making order, [16-100]
time to pay, [16-100]
Victims Compensation Tribunal, [16-100]
Concurrent sentencessee Cumulative and concurrent sentences
Conditional release order, [16-260]
additional conditions, [16-160]
limit, [16-160]
suspension, [16-160]
variation or revocation, [16-160]
breach and revocation, [16-260]
commencement, [16-260]
conditions, [16-260]
additional, [16-260]
further, [16-260]
standard, [16-260]
suspension, [16-260]
time limits, [16-260]
conviction, [16-260]
discharge, [16-260]
domestic violence, [16-140]
ex parte, cannot be imposed, [16-080]
maximum term, [16-260]
multiple orders, [16-180], [16-260]
non-custodial sentences, table, [16-480]
sample orders, [16-260]
standard conditions, [16-160]
supervison, [16-160]
transitional provisions, [16-500]
without conviction, [16-120], [16-260]
Confiscation, [36-000]
applications, [36-040]
appropriate officer, [36-020]
conviction of a serious offence, [36-020]
drug proceeds order, [36-040], [36-080]
sample, [36-080]
drug trafficker declarations, [36-080]
exclusion order, [36-080]
forfeiture order, [36-040], [36-080], [36-080]
sample, [36-080]
freezing notices, [36-040]
applications, [36-060]
determination of application, [36-060]
further orders, power to make, [36-060]
property management orders following, [36-060]
freezing orders, [36-020]
legal expenses, reasonable, [36-100]
Local Court jurisdiction, [36-040]
orders, [36-040]
duration, [36-060]
procedural aspects, [36-080]
sample, [36-060]
pecuniary penalty order, [36-040], [36-080], [36-080]
sample, [36-080]
recovery, [36-080]
restraining orders, [36-020]
serious offence conviction, [36-080]
serious offences, [36-020]
tainted property, [36-020], [36-100]
Consent orders, [22-060]
Consumer protection
National Credit Code, [34-000]
jurisdiction, [34-020]
commencement, [34-100]
costs, [34-140]
credit contracts under the former Code, [34-040]
identification of defendant, [34-080]
Local Court, [34-060]
summons, service of, [34-120]
Contact orders
conflict with apprehended violence orders, [22-080]
adjournment for defence, [48-080]
alternatives to charge, [48-040]
sample order, [48-080]
defence, adjournment, [48-100]
disrespectful behaviour, [48-180]
procedure, [48-200]
sentencing, [48-220]
face of the court, in, [48-020]
hearing, [48-120]
offence, nature of, [48-000]
penalty, [48-140]
purging, [48-160]
summary charge, [48-080]
summary charge, alternatives to, [48-040]
Supreme Court, referral to, [48-060]
Control orderssee Children’s Court
Coronersee State Coroner
Correctional centressee Prison discipline
Costs, [56-020]
care and protection, [40-120]
criminal matters, [56-000], [56-100]
amount, [56-020]
apprehended violence orders, [56-080]
defendant, awarding to, [56-060]
“just and reasonable” grounds, [56-040]
orders, [56-040]
penalty, [56-120]
police, against, [56-080]
proceedings initiated without reasonable cause, [56-040]
public informant, [56-020]
quantum, [56-120]
reasons, [56-120]
time for making application, [56-120]
unreasonable failure to investigate matters, [56-040]
forensic procedures, [58-080]
National Credit Code proceedings, [34-140]
Small Claims Division, [32-120]
Costs, civil matterssee Witnesses, expenses of
Court and case management
AVO procedure, [22-000]
closing court, [50-020]
criminal proceedings
practice note, [74-000]
defended hearings, [4-000], [4-020]
recording of proceedings
practice note, [74-900]
recording devices, use of, [50-020]
restricted access, [50-020]
restricted items, [50-020]
security officers, powers, [50-040]
Small Claims Divisionsee Small Claims Division
Court attendance notices
absence of defendant, [16-080]
Court securitysee Security
Credit contracts
National Credit Code proceedings
commencement, [34-100]
costs, [34-140]
credit contracts under the former Code, [34-040]
identification of defendant, [34-080]
Local Court, [34-060]
summons, service of, [34-120]
Criminal proceedings
Children’s Court, [38-000], [38-020]
defended hearings, [4-000]
procedural fairness, [4-040]
Cumulative and concurrent sentences
Children’s Court, [38-180]
Commonwealth offences, [18-120]
Custodial sentencessee Conditional release order; Imprisonment
custodial sentences, table, [16-460]
domestic violence, [16-140]
intensive correction order, [16-340]
orders, [16-120]
transitional provisions, [16-500]


Deaths, [44-000]see also State Coroner
cause and manner, distinguished, [44-020]
coroner, role of, [44-000]
jurisdiction, [44-020]
coronial directions
post mortem investigative procedure, [44-040]
custody, in, [44-000]
health-related procedure, definition, [44-020]
sensitive information, releasing, [44-100]
institutions, in, [44-020]
lawful custody, in, [44-020]
medical deaths, [44-020]
missing person, [44-020]
reportable, [44-020]
health-related procedure, [44-020]
suspicious, [44-020]
unknown causes, [44-020]
Debt recoverysee Small Claims Division
Defended hearings
Local Court, [4-000]
procedural fairness, [4-040]
criminal proceedings, [4-040]
impartiality, [4-040]
prosecutors, [4-040]
submissions, [4-040]
reasons for decision, [4-060]
dismissal, [4-060]
finding of fact, [4-060]
Summary procedure, [4-020]
case management, [4-020]
ch 4 of the Criminal Procedure Act, [4-020]
standard of proof, [4-020]
Detention orderssee Children’s Court
Detention, of childrensee Children’s Court
Children’s Court, [38-080], [38-120]
Commonwealth offences
no conviction, [18-100]
defended hearings
reasons for decision, [4-060]
non-custodial sentences, table, [16-480]
District Court
appeals to, [52-000], [52-060]
Domestic violence
abusive behaviour towards intimate partners, [5-600]
apprehended violence orderssee Apprehended violence orders
community correction order, [16-140], [16-320]
complainant, [8-020]
conditional release order, [16-140]
defended hearings, [4-020]
domestic abuse
definition, [5-500]
evidence, [8-000], [8-030], [8-040]
closed court, [8-030]
jury trial, [8-120]
recorded statement, [8-060], [8-080], [8-100]
support person, [8-030], [8-140]
vulnerable person, [8-140]
full-time detention, [16-140]
home detention, [16-140]
intensive correction order, [16-140], [16-340]
definition, [5-500]
persons in need of protection (PINOP), [22-060]
addresses, non-inclusion in orders, [22-060]
support persons, [10-100]
Practice Notes
domestic and personal violence proceedings, [74-100]
court appointed questioners, [8-110]
sentencing, [16-140]
specialist family violence list pilot, [74-200]
supervision, [16-160]
transitional provisions, [16-500]
victim’s safety, [16-140]
Drink driving
alcohol, effects, [3-060]
blood alcohol concentration (BAC), measuring, [3-040]
interlock program
interlock orders, [2-000]
road accidents and, [3-000], [3-020]
staying under the limit guidelines, [3-080]
Driving offencessee Drink driving; Traffic offences
Drug offences
narcotic offences, [18-240]
Drug treatmentsee Involuntary drug and alcohol treatment


overseas extradition, [46-120]
apprehended violence order proceedings, [22-080]
bail proceedings, [20-260]
brief of, [28-080]
children, [10-000]
CCTV, [10-080]
committal proceedings, [10-160]
compellability, [10-000]
in camera, [10-140]
methods of giving evidence, [10-040]
pre-recorded interview, [10-060]
publication, [10-140]
support persons, [10-100]
unreliability, [10-020]
unrepresented accused, questioning by, [10-120]
committal proceedings, [28-080]
indictable offences, [28-180]
coronial witness, [44-100]
dismissal due to insufficient, [16-020]
domestic violence complainants, by, [8-000]
Extradition Act, [46-240]
indictable offences, [28-080], [28-160], [28-200]
audio visual link, use of, [28-120]
intellectually impaired persons, [10-000]
compellability, [10-000]
competence, [10-000]
methods, [10-040]
pre-recorded interview, [10-060]
publication of evidence, [10-140]
vulnerable persons, [10-000]
compellability, [10-000]
competence, [10-000]
methods, [10-040]
pre-recorded interview, [10-060]
publication of evidence, [10-140]
remote witness video facilities, [12-000], [12-020], [12-040], [12-060], [12-080]
Ex parte proceedings
absence as consent to offence, [16-080]
determination of, [16-080]
penalties which cannot be imposed, [16-080]
procedure, [16-080]
Extradition, [46-000]see also ; Overseas extradition
accusations not made in good faith, [46-160]
Acts governing, [46-000]
assistance in criminal matters with foreign countries, [46-200]
Attorney-General, notice by, [46-120]
Australia, to, [46-180]
evidence, taking, [46-240]
authentication of documents, [46-140]
bail, [46-060]
bail and, [46-040]
consent to surrender, [46-140]
determining who is an “extraditable person”, [46-140]
evidence, taking, [46-240]
expenses, entitlement to, [46-060]
foreign countries
mutual assistance in criminal matters, [46-200]
hearings, [46-140]
interstate, [46-020]
objections, [46-140]
onus of proof, [46-160]
provisional arrest warrants, [46-120]
release from remand, [46-120]
remand, [46-120]
release of persons unnecessarily detained, [46-080]
relief from, [46-080]
remand on bail, procedure on, [46-060]
restraint, person under, [46-040]
state powers of, [46-020]
suppression orders, [46-080]
types, [46-000]
waiver, [46-120]
warrants, [46-220]
arrest, [46-020], [46-060]
search and seizure, [46-120], [46-160], [46-200]


Failure to appear
committal proceedings, [28-240]
of defendants, [16-080]
Family violencesee Domestic violence
capacity to pay, [16-300]
Children’s Court, [38-120]see Children’s Court
Commonwealth offences, [18-100]
capacity to pay, [18-100]
imprisonment not to be imposed for non-payment, [18-120]
imprisonment, in lieu of, [18-100]
penalty units, [18-100]
recognizances, [18-100]
conviction with no other penalty, [16-280]
imposition of recognizance, [16-300]
moiety, [16-300]
non-custodial sentences, table, [16-480]
pay, capacity to, [38-120]
penalty units, [16-300]
sentencing, [16-120]
time to pay, [16-300]
Fire inquiries, [44-180]
cause and origin of fire, meaning, [44-180]
death by fire, [44-180]
dispensing with inquiry, [44-180]
factors to take into account, [44-180]
types of fires, [44-180]
Forensic procedures
application, nature of, [58-000]
convicted serious indictable offender application, [58-000]
costs, [58-080]
non-publication of suspect identity, [58-040]
orders, [58-040]
procedural requirements, [58-040]
retention of material, order for, [58-000]
extension of time, [58-000]
substantive matters, [58-020]
suspects, attendance of, [58-060]
untested former offender application, [58-000]
volunteers, [58-000]
social security, [18-220]


Good behaviour bond
Children’s Court, [38-300]
Good behaviour bonds
Children’s Court, [38-080], [38-120]
Commonwealth offences, [18-100]
Guilty pleas
defended hearings, [4-020]
prison discipline, breaches of, [68-060]


Home detention
assessment reports, [16-200]
custodial sentences, table, [16-460]
intensive correction order, [16-140]
multiple orders, [16-180]
transitional provisions, [16-500]
victim’s safety, [16-140]


court orders, [16-440]
fingerprinting, [16-440]
National Credit Code proceedings, [34-080]
persons entering court premises, [50-060]
Imprisonmentsee Cumulative and concurrent sentences; Parole; Prison discipline
commencement and expiry of sentences, [16-360]
Commonwealth offences, [18-120]
child sex offenders, [18-120]
fines in lieu of, [18-100]
suspension of, full or partial, [18-100]
consecutive sentences, [16-380]
conviction with no other penalty, [16-280]
custodial sentences, table, [16-460]
ex parte, cannot be imposed, [16-080]
failure to pay reparation, [18-120]
fixed term versus non-parole period and total term, [16-360]
form of orders, [16-380], [18-120]
non-custodial sentences, table, [16-480]
non-parole periods, [16-360], [18-120]
preliminary steps in imposing term of, [16-360]
prisoners, legal aid for, [68-060]
prisoners, representation for, [68-060]
recognizance release orders, [18-120]
restrictions, [18-120]
structure of sentence, [16-360]
total terms, [16-360]
Indictable offences
committal, [28-020], [28-040]
hearing, application to waive, [28-200]
order, form of, [28-200]
proceedings in absence of defendant, [28-240]
committal proceedings
evidence in, [28-000]
Commonwealth offences, [18-060]
child abuse, [18-280]
costs, [28-200]
customs offences, [18-300]
definition, [28-020]
Director of Public Prosecutions, role of, [28-000]
discharge order
form, [28-200]
evidence, form of prosecution, [28-080]
guilty pleas, [28-060]
hearing application for witness to attend, [28-140]
information to be given to charged person, [28-120]
initial determination under s 62, [28-180]
magistrate’s role, [28-040]
opportunity to answer charge, [28-180]
paper committals, [28-080]
tests of evidence, [28-180]
unrepresented defendant, [28-120]
warnings, [28-180]
Inquests, [44-000]see also Deaths
access to coronial material, [44-080]
appear, leave to, [44-100]
brief, assessment of, [44-080]
civil litigation and, [44-100]
conflicts of interest, [44-100]
coroner, role of, [44-000]
counsel assisting, [44-100]
court case, distinguished, [44-100]
dispensing with, [44-080]
consultation with next of kin, [44-080]
reasons for, [44-080]
request for reasons, [44-080]
families, sensitivity towards, [44-100]
family statement, [44-100]
findings, [44-100], [44-100]
missing persons, [44-100]
open, [44-100]
standard of proof, [44-100]
suicide, [44-100]
fire inquiries, [44-000], [44-180]
cause and origin of fire, meaning, [44-180]
death by fire, [44-180]
dispensing with inquiry, [44-180]
factors to take into account, [44-180]
types of fires, [44-180]
First Nations people, [44-100]
government agencies, role of, [44-100]
legal aid, [44-100]
medical concerns, [44-080]
model litigant policy, [44-100]
National Coronial Information Scheme, [44-140]
next of kin, [44-080]
non-publication orders, [44-100]
persons of interest
appearance, [44-100]
place of, [44-100]
preparation for, [44-100]
privilege against self-incrimination, [44-100]
procedure, [44-100]
psychiatric concerns, [44-080]
recommendations, making, [44-140]
requests, [44-080]
requirement to hold, [44-080]
submissions, [44-100]
Supreme Court applications, [44-160]
suspension of, [44-120]
witnesses, [44-100]
compellability, [44-100]
evidence, objection to giving, [44-100]
examined, refusal to be, [44-100]
Insanitysee Mental Health and Cognitive Impairment Forensic Provisions Act 2020
Intellectual disability
persons giving evidence
compellability, [10-000]
competence, [10-000]
methods, [10-040]
pre-recorded interview, [10-060]
publication of evidence, [10-140]
support persons, [10-100]
Intensive correction order, [16-340]
additional conditions, [16-160]
community service work, [16-180]
curfew, [16-180]
limit, [16-160]
suspension, [16-160]
assessment reports, [16-200], [16-340], [16-460]
breach of, [18-100]
commencement, [16-340]
Commonwealth offences, [18-100]
community safety, [16-340]
community service work, [16-180]
assessment reports, [16-200]
maximum hours, [16-340]
minimum period, [16-340]
conditions, [16-340], [16-460]
additional, [16-340]
alcohol/drugs, [16-340]
community service work, [16-340]
curfew, [16-340]
electronic monitoring, [16-340]
further, [16-340]
home detention, [16-340]
non-association, [16-340]
place restriction, [16-340]
rehabilitation, [16-340]
revocation/breach, [16-340]
standard, [16-340]
suspension, [16-340]
curfew, [16-180]
custodial sentences, table, [16-460]
domestic violence, [16-140], [16-340]
ex parte, cannot be imposed, [16-080]
maximum length, [16-460]
minor, [16-340]
multiple orders, [16-180], [16-340]
non-parole period, [16-340], [16-460]
restrictions, [16-340]
revocation, [16-340]
sample order, [16-340]
sentencing, [16-120]
standard conditions, [16-160]
supervision, [16-160]
transitional provisions, [16-500]
Auslan, [14-140]
deaf and hearing impaired persons, [14-140]
difficulties, [14-160]
forms of, [14-120]
guidelines for magistrates and judges, [14-180]
need for, assessing, [14-000], [14-040]
oaths and affirmations by, [14-020], [64-000], [64-020]
persons in custody prior to charge, for, [14-020]
procedural fairness, ensuring, [14-100]
procedure, [14-100]
provision of, [14-060]
qualifications of, [14-080]
vulnerable persons, [14-020]
witnesses’ right to, [14-000]
legislative provisions, [14-020]
Intervention program
sentencing, [16-120]
Involuntary drug and alcohol treatment, [60-000]
assessment, order for, [60-060]
application for, [60-080]
determination, [60-120]
definitions, [60-020]
dependency certificate, [60-140]
determination, [60-200]
extension of, [60-240]
extension of, application for, [60-260]
extension of, determination, [60-280]
order, [60-220]
procedure, [60-160]
program, availability, [60-040]


Commonwealth offences, [18-020], [18-060]
confiscation of proceeds of crime, [36-040]
coroner, [44-000]
Deputy State Coroner, [44-020]
reportable deaths, [44-020]
State Coroner, [44-020]
Children’s Court, [38-000]
National Credit Code, [34-020]
visiting magistrates, [68-040]
Juvenilessee Youthful offenders


Land and Environment Court, appeals to, [52-000], [52-100]
Legal profession conduct
Legal Profession Uniform Conduct (Barristers) Rules, [70-000]
Legal Profession Uniform Law Australian Solicitors’ Conduct Rules 2015, [70-000]
Legal representationsee Representation
Local Court, [52-000]see also Court and case management; Small Claims Division
AVO procedure, [22-000]
civil appeals, [52-080]
defended hearings, [4-000]
review of decisions of, [52-000], [52-020]


Magistratessee Court and case management; Visiting magistrates
power to end evidence of a witness, [28-160]
Mental capacitysee Mental Health and Cognitive Impairment Forensic Provisions Act 2020
Mental Health Act 2007
admission for purpose other than assessment, [30-220]
community treatment orders, [30-200]
definitions, [30-040]
mentally ill persons, [30-140]
mental health facility, [30-140]
relevant person, [30-160]
mental illness, [30-040], [30-120]
mentally disordered persons, [30-040], [30-120], [30-140]
mentally ill persons, [30-040], [30-120]
Mental Health and Cognitive Impairment Forensic Provisions Act 2020
1990 Act, comparison table, [30-000]
adjournment, [30-060]
admission for purpose other than assessment, [30-200]
assessment under, [30-120]
bail, [30-120], [30-180]
breach proceedings, [30-100]
cognitive impairment, [30-020], [30-040]
conditional discharge order, [30-080]
enforceability of, [30-080]
defendant, application by, [30-060]
documentation, [30-060]
definitions, [30-040]
detention, [30-140]
release following assessment, [30-140]
return to court following assessment, [30-140], [30-180]
discharge, [30-060]
suggested order, [30-080]
discretionary factors, [30-060]
public interest, [30-060]
inquiries, [30-000], [30-020], [30-040], [30-060], [30-080], [30-100], [30-120], [30-140], [30-160], [30-180], [30-200]
mental health impairment, [30-020], [30-040]
orders, [30-160]
custody, defendants in, [30-240]
orders under s 19, [30-120]
suggested order, [30-120]
persons found to be mentally ill, [30-120]
persons not found to be mentally ill, [30-120]
sentencing for Commonwealth offences, [18-140]
suggested orders, [30-060]
Mental health impairmentsee Mental Health and Cognitive Impairment Forensic Provisions Act 2020
Mental illnesssee Children’s Court; Mental Health Act 2007; Mental Health and Cognitive Impairment Forensic Provisions Act 2020
Multiple offences
non-custodial sentences, table, [16-480]
reportable deaths, [44-020]


Narcotic offencessee Drug offences
New Zealand, extradition to
accusations not made in good faith, [46-160]
applicability, [46-160]
arrest and remand on endorsed or provisional warrants, [46-160]
endorsement of New Zealand warrants, [46-160]
evidence contradicting allegation, [46-160]
onus of proof, [46-160]
order for release, [46-160]
provisional arrest warrants, [46-160]
release from remand, [46-160]
review of order, [46-160]
search warrants, [46-160]
surrender proceedings, [46-160]
unjust or oppressive, [46-160]
Non-appearancesee Failure to appear
Non-custodial sentencessee Community correction order; Conditional release order;
custodial sentences, table, [16-460]
intensive correction order, [16-340]
non-custodial sentences, table, [16-480]
transitional provisions, [16-500]
Non-parole periods
Children’s Court, [38-180]
Commonwealth offences
ratio of to head sentences, [18-120]
intensive correction order, [16-340]
setting of in head sentence of imprisonment, [16-360]
Non-publication and suppression orders
appeals, [62-020]
application, [62-020]
automatic, [62-000]
provisions, [62-040]
Commonwealth proceedings, [62-080]
contravention, [62-020]
coronial inquests, [44-100]
court-made, [62-020]
content, [62-020]
procedure, [62-020]
provisions, [62-060]
duration, [62-020]
form, [62-100]
interim orders, [62-020]
review, [62-020], [62-120]
Not guilty pleassee Pleas


Oaths, [64-000]
children, [10-000]
forms of, [64-020]
interpreters, [14-020], [14-100]
non-English speaking persons, [14-100]
Orderssee Apprehended violence orders; Community service orders; Contact orders; Control orders; Parole; Probation orders
Assessment report, [16-000]
Community Correction Order, [16-000], [16-120], [16-320]
community treatment orders, [30-200]
Conditional Release Order, [16-000], [16-120], [16-260]
conditional release order without conviction, [16-120]
conviction, [16-120]
conviction with no other penalty, [16-280]
costs, [16-060], [16-080]
time to pay, [16-060]
custodial sentences, table, [16-460]
dismissal, [16-020]
hearing, after, [16-020]
matter withdrawn, [16-020]
no conviction, [16-020]
no prima facie case, [16-020]
domestic violence, [16-140]
fine, [16-120]
Intensive Correction Order, [16-000], [16-120], [16-340]
intervention program, [16-120]
Mental Health and Cognitive Impairment Forensic Provisions Act 2020, [30-120], [30-140], [30-160]
multiple orders, [16-180]
non-association or place restriction
ex parte, cannot be imposed, [16-080]
non-custodial sentences, table, [16-480]
prison discipline, [68-140]
traffic offence, [16-040]
transitional provisions, [16-500]
Overseas extradition, [46-100]see also New Zealand, extradition to
admissibility of evidence, [46-120]
arrest on provisional warrants, [46-120]
Attorney-General, notice by, [46-120]
provisional warrants, [46-120]
arrest on, [46-120]
release from remand, [46-120]
remand on, [46-120]
search warrants, [46-120]
warrant, [46-220]


Children’s Court
conditions, [42-100]
hearings, procedure at, [42-140]
jurisdiction, [42-040]
non-parole periods, [38-180]
offences committed while on, [38-180]
orders, [42-000], [42-080]
orders, Children’s Court, [38-180]
revocation, [42-120]
terrorism related offenders, [42-160]
conditions, [16-360]
non-parole periods, [16-360], [18-120]
Commonwealth offences involving, [18-360]
Penalties, [18-080]see also Fines
Commonwealth offences, [18-080], [18-160]
explanation of, [18-080]
prison discipline, [68-080]
social security fraud, [18-220]
taxation offences, [18-200]
Pleassee Guilty pleas
right of appearance, [66-000], [66-020]
Practice Notes
civil procedure
case management, [74-600]
committal proceedings, [74-300], [74-400], [74-500]
court proceedings, recording of, [74-900]
criminal proceedings
case management, [74-000]
domestic and personal violence proceedings, [74-100]
form of address, [74-700]
identity theft prevention and anonymisation policy, [74-800]
specialist family violence list pilot, [74-200]
Pre-sentence reports
assessment reports, [16-200]
Prison discipline
adjournment of hearings, [68-060]
antecedents, [68-060]
breaches of, [68-020]
compensation, [68-100]
governors, [68-020], [68-040], [68-100]
hearings before visiting magistrates, procedure at, [68-060]
inquiries, provision for, [68-020]
legal aid, [68-060]
legislation, [68-000]
orders, form of, [68-140]
other criminal proceedings for the same offence, [68-140]
penalties, [68-080]
proceedings, transfer of, [68-040]
punishment, cumulative, [68-100]
punishment, recording of, [68-100]
standard of proof, [68-060]
visiting magistrates
appeals against decisions of, [68-120]
appointment of, [68-020]
inspections by, [68-020]
jurisdiction of, [68-040]
Probation orders
Children’s Court, [38-080]
Proceeds of crime
commonwealth offences, [18-400]
confiscationsee Confiscation
Prohibited drugssee Drug offences
confiscationsee Confiscation
management orders, [36-060]
Property, in Family Law matters
property recovery orders, [22-060]
defended hearings
procedural fairness, [4-040]
Psychological assessment
assessment reports, [16-200]
non-publication and suppression orderssee Non-publication and suppression orders


breach of, [18-100]
Commonwealth offences, [18-080], [18-100]
explanation of, [18-080]
explanation of, [18-100]
fines, with, [18-100]
pecuniary penalties, with, [18-100]
release orders for Commonwealth offences, [18-120]
terms and conditions, [18-100]
Referencessee Testimonials
Rehabilitationsee Sentencing
Reparationsee Compensation and restitution
Representation, [66-000]see also Unrepresented parties
prisoners, [68-060]
court appointed questioners, [8-110]
domestic violence complainants, [8-000]
Restitutionsee Compensation and restitution


Search warrantssee Warrants
court powers, [50-040]
entry and use of court premises, [50-020]
officers, powers, [50-040]
arrest, [50-100]
directions, [50-080]
identification, [50-060]
limitations, [50-120]
Self-represented litigantssee Representation
bail, [20-160]
Domestic violence offence, [22-100]
Sentencing, [16-220]see also Appeals; Conditional release order; Cumulative and concurrent sentences; Fines; Home detention; Imprisonment; Non-parole periods; Parole; Pre-sentence reports
assessment reports, [16-200]
assistance to authorities, [18-120]
Children’s Court, [38-080], [38-120]–[38-180]
background reports, [38-100]
principles, [38-080]
suspended sentence, [38-080], [38-160]
commencement and expiry of sentence, [18-120]
Commonwealth offences, [18-080], [18-100], [18-120]
consideration of other offences, [18-080]
deterrence, [18-080]
reduction for promised co-operation, [18-080]
community correction order, [16-120], [16-320]see also Community correction order
conditional release order, [16-120]see Conditional release order
conditional release without sentencing, [18-100]
conviction with no other penalty, [16-280]
correcting errors, [16-420]
custodial sentences, table, [16-460]
deferral of, [16-220], [18-120]
dismissal, [16-120], [16-240]
domestic violence, [16-140]
fine, [16-120]
fines in lieu of imprisonment, [18-100]
head sentence/non-parole period ratio, [18-120]
imprisonment, [16-360]
intensive correction order, [16-120], [16-340]
intervention program, [16-120]
Local Court, [16-120]
mental illness, persons suffering from, [18-140]
multiple offences
non-custodial sentences, table, [16-480]
no conviction recorded, [16-240], [18-100]
non-custodial sentences, table, [16-480]
outstanding charges, by reference to, [16-400]
prisoners serving federal sentence, [18-120]
recognizances, breach of, [18-100]
rehabilitation, [16-220]
special circumstances, [16-360]
stay of, upon notice of appeal, [52-040], [52-060], [52-100]
taxation offences, [18-180]
transitional provisions, [16-500]
Youth Koori Court, [38-080]
Sexual offences
directions, [5-000]
Small Claims Division
appeals, [32-140]
case management, [32-020]
compulsory settlement attempts, [32-060]
costs, [32-120]
expenses, [32-120]
hearings, [32-080]
motions, [32-040]
nature and purpose, [32-000]
pre-trial management, [32-020]
transfer of proceedings, [32-100]
witnesses, [32-080]
Social security fraudsee Fraud
Standard of proof
defended hearings, [4-020]
not guilty pleas, [68-060]
proceeds of crime, [18-400]
taxation offences, [18-180]
State Coroner, [44-000]see also Inquests
bulletins, [44-200]
Deaths, [44-000]
functus officio, [44-080]
inquestssee Inquests
investigative powers, [44-060]
jurisdiction, [44-020]
key questions, [44-020]
National Coronial Information Scheme, [44-140]
post mortem directions, [44-040]
post mortem investigative procedure, [44-040]
Practice notes, Coroners Court Practice Notes
recommendations, making, [44-140]
reports, [44-020]
sample, [44-020]
role of, [44-000]
Supreme Court applications, [44-160]
Summary offences
cognitive impairment, [30-020]
costs orders, [56-020]
mental health impairment, [30-020]
Summonses, [52-040]
Suppression ordersee Non-publication and suppression orders
Supreme Court
appeals to, [52-000], [52-040]
contempt orders, [48-060]
coronial inquest, application from, [44-160]
Surrender hearingssee New Zealand, extradition to
Attorney-General, surrender determination, [46-140]
consent to surrender, [46-140]
eligibility for surrender, [46-140]
extradition hearings, [46-140]
extradition objections, [46-140]
jurisdiction, [46-140]
reasonable time to prepare, [46-140]
“supporting documents”, meaning, [46-140]


Taxation offences
penalties, [18-200]
principles, [18-180]
judicial officers, by, [72-000]
Traffic offences, [16-040]see also Drink driving
alcohol-related offences
table, [2-020]
alcohol-testing offences
table, [2-040]
appeal, [2-000]
Children’s Court, [38-020]
licence disqualification or forfeiture, [38-200]
conviction with no other penalty, [16-280]
Crimes Act 1900
table, [2-040]
dismissal of, [16-040], [16-240]
removal of, [2-000]
driving licence suspension
table, [2-040]
driving licence unlawful use
table, [2-040]
drug-related offences
table, [2-020]
drug-testing offences
table, [2-040]
guideline judgment, [2-000], [2-040]
heavy vehicle
table, [2-040]
imprisonment, [2-000]
interlock program
interlock orders, [2-000]
intervention program, [2-040]
jurisdiction, [2-000]
key provisions, [2-000]
Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002
table, [2-040]
licence suspension, [2-000]
limitations, [2-000]
major offence, [2-000], [2-020]
multiple major offence, [2-000]
negligent driving
table, [2-040]
never-eligible offence, [2-000]
offence-free period, [2-000]
table, [2-040]
Road Rules 2014, [2-000]
serious driving offences
table, [2-020]
speeding offences
table, [2-040]
street racing
table, [2-040]
unsafe loads
table, [2-040]


Unrepresented parties, [28-120]see also Representation
child witnesses, questioning, [10-120]
indictable offences, [28-120]


Victim Impact statements
Children’s Court, [38-080]
Victims of crime, directions to attend hearing, [28-140]
Violent offencessee Apprehended violence orders; Domestic violence
Visiting magistrates
appeals against decisions of, [68-120]
appointment of, [68-020]
compensation order, [68-100]
cumulative punishment, imposition of, [68-100]
hearings before, procedure at, [68-060]
jurisdiction, [68-040]
penalties imposed by, [68-080]
prison inspections, [68-020]
proceedings, transfer of, [68-040]
punishment, recording of, [68-100]
Vulnerable person
children, [10-000]
competence generally, [10-000]
cognitively impaired, [10-000]
establishing competence, [10-000]
sworn evidence, [10-000]
CCTV, [10-080]
compellability, [10-000]
in camera, [10-140]
in committal proceedings, [10-160]
pre-recorded interview, [10-060]
publication, [10-140]
unreliability, [10-020]
questioning by unrepresented defendant, [10-120]
remote witness video facilities
procedure, [12-000], [12-020], [12-040], [12-060], [12-080]
support persons, [10-100]
Vulnerable witnessessee Witnesses


Warrants, [16-080], [46-000]see also Extradition
arrest warrants, [16-080]
Local Court proceedings, [54-000]
arrest, [46-020], [46-060], [46-120], [46-220]
search, [46-120]
extradition, relating to, [46-160], [46-200]
Witnesses, [14-000]see also Interpreters
children as, [10-000]
coronial inquests, [44-100]
compellability, [44-100]
cross-examination, [28-160]
directions to attend hearing, [28-140]
interpreters, right to, [14-000]
legislative provisions, [14-020]
magistrates’ power to end evidence of, [28-160]
non-English speaking, [14-040], [14-100]
oaths and affirmations by, [64-000], [64-020]
remote witness video facilities, [12-000], [12-020], [12-040], [12-060], [12-080]
Small Claims Division, [32-080]
vulnerable witnesses
Commonwealth committal proceedings, [28-140]
Words and phrases
“domestic relationship”, [22-040]


Youth Koori Court
Practice Note 11, [38-080]
sentencing, [38-080]
Youthful offenders
bail, [38-040]
parole, [42-000]