Local Court Practice Notes

[74-000] Case management of criminal proceedings in the Local Court

Last reviewed: December 2023

[74-100] Domestic and personal violence proceedings

Last reviewed: November 2023

[74-200] Specialist Family Violence List Pilot

Last reviewed: July 2024

[74-300] Procedures to be adopted for committal proceedings before the Local Court on and from 26 June 2017 to 29 April 2018

Last reviewed: November 2023

[74-400] Procedures to be adopted for committal proceedings relating to offences commenced on and from 30 April 2018 to 8 January 2023 in the Local Court

Last reviewed: November 2023

[74-500] Procedures to be adopted for committal proceedings relating to offences commenced on or after 9 January 2023 in the Local Court

Last reviewed: November 2023

[74-600] Case management of civil proceedings in the Local Court

Last reviewed: July 2024

[74-700] Form of address in court

Last reviewed: November 2023

[74-800] Identity theft prevention and anonymisation policy

Last reviewed: November 2023

[74-900] Recording of court proceedings

Last reviewed: November 2023