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Particular offences, appeals and other Acts
Table of Contents
Particular offences
Break and enter offences
The statutory scheme
Break, enter and commit serious indictable offence: s 112(1)
Break, enter and steal — guideline judgment
Summary disposal
Aggravated break, enter and commit serious indictable offence: s 112(2)
Specially aggravated break, enter and commit serious indictable offence: s 112(3)
The standard non-parole period provisions
Application of the De Simoni principle
Application of s 21A
Double punishment — Pearce v The Queen
Sexual offences against children (NSW)
Summary of relevant considerations
General sentencing principles for child sexual offences
Specific sentencing provisions for child sexual offences
Assessing objective seriousness of a child sexual offence
Aggravating factors
Mitigating factors
Sexual intercourse with a child offences: ss 66A–66C Crimes Act 1900
Maintain unlawful sexual relationship with child: s 66EA Crimes Act
Sexual touching and sexual act: ss 66DA–66DF Crimes Act
Aggravated indecent assault and act of indecency: ss 61M–61O (rep) Crimes Act
Aggravated sexual assault: s 61J Crimes Act
Procuring or grooming: s 66EB Crimes Act
Child prostitution: ss 91D–91F Crimes Act
Child abuse material offences
Commonwealth child sex offences
Summary of relevant provisions
“Commonwealth child sex offence” and other definitions
General sentencing principles (including relevant s 16A(2) factors)
Objective factors (including relevant s 16A(2) matters)
Child abuse material offences — possess, disseminate and transmit
Grooming and procuring a child for sexual activity offences
Subjective factors (including relevant s 16A(2) matters)
Penalties for some Commonwealth child sex offences
Mandatory minimum penalties
Table of Commonwealth child sex offences, related provisions and resources
Dangerous driving, and navigation
Statutory history
The statutory scheme for dangerous driving offences
Guideline judgment
The concepts of moral culpability and abandonment of responsibility
Momentary inattention or misjudgment
Prior record and the guideline
Length of the journey
General deterrence
Motor vehicle manslaughter
Grievous bodily harm
Victim impact statements
Application of the De Simoni principle
Mitigating factors
Other sentencing considerations
Licence disqualification
Failure to stop and assist
Dangerous navigation
Application of the guideline to dangerous navigation
Detain for advantage/kidnapping
Section 86 Crimes Act 1900
Attempts to commit the offence
Factors relevant to the seriousness of an offence
Elements of offence and s 21A factors not to be double counted
Joint criminal enterprise and role
Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985 (NSW) offences
Offences with respect to prohibited plants
Supply and the imposition of full-time custody
Section 25(2) — The standard non-parole period
Ongoing supply
Section 26 — Conspiracy offence
Supplying to undercover police
Other factors relevant to objective seriousness
Subjective factors
Drug offences and s 21A Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999
Fraud offences
Summary of relevant considerations
The NSW statutory framework
General sentencing principles for NSW fraud offences
Objective seriousness — factors of common application to fraud
Section 21A Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999
Aggravating factors
Mitigating factors
The relevance of a gambling addiction
Fraud offences — ss 192E–192H Crimes Act 1900
Identity crime offences — ss 192J–192L Crimes Act 1900
Forgery offences — ss 253–256 Crimes Act 1900
Larceny by clerk or servant — s 156 Crimes Act 1900
The Commonwealth statutory framework
Relevance of NSW fraud principles and comparative cases for federal matters
Statutory factors under s 16A(2) Crimes Act 1914 (Cth)
General sentencing principles for federal offending
Types of Commonwealth fraud
Offences against justice/in public office
Purposes of punishment — general deterrence and denunciation
Offences against justice committed by public officials
Interference in the administration of justice: Pt 7 Div 2
Crimes Act 1900
Common law contempt of court
Disrespectful behaviour in court
Further reading
Interference with judicial officers, witnesses, jurors etc: Pt 7 Div 3 Crimes Act 1900; s 68A Jury Act 1977
Perjury, false statements etc: Pt 7 Div 4 Crimes Act 1900; ICAC Act 1988; Police Integrity Commission Act 1996; Crime Commission Act 2012
Other corruption and bribery offences: Pt 4A Crimes Act 1900; s 200 Police Act 1990; common law bribery
Common law offence of misconduct in public office
Resisting/hindering/impersonating police
The essence of robbery
The statutory scheme
The Henry guideline judgment for armed robbery
Robbery or assault with intent to rob or stealing from the person: s 94
Robbery in circumstances of aggravation: s 95
Robbery in circumstances of aggravation with wounding: s 96
Robbery etc or stopping mail, being armed or in company: s 97(1)
Robbery armed with a dangerous weapon: s 97(2)
Robbery with arms and wounding: s 98
Demanding property with intent to steal: s 99
Objective factors relevant to all robbery offences
Subjective factors commonly relevant to robbery
Car-jacking and car rebirthing offences
Car-jacking offences
Car rebirthing offences
Sexual offences
Summary of relevant considerations
General principles and key statutory provisions
Assessing objective seriousness
The offender’s state of mind
Aggravating factors
Mitigating circumstances
Sexual intercourse without consent: s 61I
Aggravated sexual assault: s 61J
Aggravated sexual assault in company: s 61JA
Assault with intent to have sexual intercourse: s 61K
Sexual touching and sexual act: ss 61KC–61KF
Indecent assault and act of indecency: ss 61L–61O (rep)
Victim with a cognitive impairment: s 66F
Incest: ss 78A–78B
Bestiality: ss 79–80
Relative seriousness of the categories of murder
Standard non-parole periods
Provisional sentencing of children under 16
Life sentences
Aggravating factors and cases that attract the maximum
Relevance of motive
Murders committed in a domestic violence context
Rejection of defences to murder
Joint criminal enterprise
Conspiracy/solicit to murder: s 26 Crimes Act 1900
Cause loss of foetus (death of pregnant woman)
Attempted murder
Conceal corpse
Manslaughter and infanticide
Categories of manslaughter
Killing of children by parents or carers
Motor vehicle manslaughter
Discount for rejected offer to plead guilty to manslaughter
Joint criminal enterprise
Accessories after the fact to manslaughter
Cause of loss of foetus (death of pregnant woman)
Assault, wounding and related offences
Introduction and statutory framework
Offences of personal violence generally viewed seriously
The De Simoni principle
Factors relevant to assessment of the objective gravity of a personal violence offence
Common assault: s 61
Assault occasioning actual bodily harm: s 59
Recklessly causing grievous bodily harm or wounding: s 35
Wound or inflict grievous bodily harm with intent to do grievous bodily harm or resist arrest: s 33
Assault causing death: s 25A
Use weapon/threaten injury to resist lawful apprehension: s 33B
Choking, suffocating and strangulation: s 37
Administer intoxicating substance: s 38
Assaults etc against law enforcement officers and
frontline emergency and health workers
Assaults etc against persons who aid law enforcement officers, and other offences
Particular types of personal violence
Common aggravating factors under s 21A and the common law
Common mitigating factors
Firearms and prohibited weapons offences
Offences under the Firearms Act 1996
Principles and objects of the Act
Unauthorised possession or use: ss 7(1), 7A(1) and 36(1)
Assessing the objective seriousness of possession/use
Section 50A: unauthorised manufacture of firearms
Section 51D: possession of more than three firearms
Supply and acquisition of firearms
Other miscellaneous offences
Prohibited weapons offences under Weapons Prohibition Act 1998
Firearms offences under the Crimes Act 1900
Damage by fire and related offences
The statutory scheme
Destroying or damaging by fire
Section 197: dishonestly destroy or damage property and the De Simoni principle
Section 198: intention to endanger life and the De Simoni principle
Domestic violence offences
Statutory framework
Sentencing approach to domestic violence
Apprehended violence orders
Impact of AVO breaches on sentencing
Stalking and intimidation
Abusive behaviour towards intimate partners
Commonwealth drug offences
Criminal Code offences
The requirements of s 16A Crimes Act 1914 (Cth)
Objective factors relevant to all Commonwealth drug offences
Subjective factors
Achieving consistency
Money laundering
The Commonwealth statutory scheme
Breadth of conduct caught
Sentencing range
The application of the De Simoni principle to the statutory scheme
General deterrence
Factual findings as to role and what the offender did
Relevance of offender’s belief and fault element
Other factors
Relevance of related offences
Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006
Overt acts in furtherance of the conspiracy
Yardstick principle — maximum penalty for substantive offence
Role of the offender
Standard non-parole period provisions
NSW statutory conspiracy offences
Commonwealth conspiracy offences