Bench books and handbooks

Local Court Bench Book

Local Court Bench Book front cover
December 2024

The Local Court of NSW is the busiest and largest court in the state, with magistrates dealing with over 90% of all matters in NSW. The work of the Local Court is varied and includes defended hearings and sentence matters, bail applications and civil matters. Criminal matters dealt with in the Local Court can range from traffic and drug possession infringements to sexual offences, offences of violence, and drug supply. 

The Local Court Bench Book is a comprehensive guide for magistrates for the conduct of civil and criminal practice and procedure in the Local Court of NSW, prepared by officers of the Judicial Commission and magistrates. It provides succinct commentary on the various aspects of Local Court work to assist magistrates day to day, but it also serves as a resource for legal practitioners, researchers, and others who seek a better understanding of Local Court work.

The Local Court Bench Book includes commentary in relation to bail, evidence, driving offences, AVOs, committal proceedings, and Children’s Court and Coroner’s Court matters.

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